Line 2 TriangleMesh algorithm ported to P5/Toxiclibs
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1 year ago
I've been lurking the
Cinder forums and as an exercise decided to port an interesting algorithm discussed there (full credit to Paul Houx) from C++ to Processing's JAVA. First using the regular PVector (works but lot of code). Then I switched to Toxiclibs' Vec2D class, which has more complete vector support. In Toxiclibs the transition is actually a breeze and the code extremely similar. Anyway, I wanted to share the result. Perhaps it is of use to others.
What the algorithm does is take a sequences of points (aka lines) and turns them into a triangleMesh. Here is an image that explains it better. See the keyPressed method for some realtime user controls.
Code Example
What the algorithm does is take a sequences of points (aka lines) and turns them into a triangleMesh. Here is an image that explains it better. See the keyPressed method for some realtime user controls.
Code Example
- /*
- Line 2 TriangleMesh algorithm by Paul Houx (May 09, 2012)
- * Description:
- * Source Code:
- Ported to Processing 1.5.1 + Toxiclibs 0021 by Amnon Owed (May 26, 2012)
- */
- import toxi.geom.*;
- import toxi.processing.*;
- ToxiclibsSupport gfx;
- float mRadius = 5;
- float mThickness = 50;
- float dotStepSize = 10;
- ArrayList <Vec2D> mPoints = new ArrayList <Vec2D> ();
- boolean bDrawOutlines = true;
- boolean bDrawConstruction = false;
- void setup() {
- size(1280, 720);
- gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this);
- smooth();
- }
- void draw() {
- background(255);
- for (int i=0; i<mPoints.size(); i++) {
- int a = ((i-1) < 0) ? 0 : (i-1);
- int b = i;
- int c = ((i+1) >= mPoints.size()) ? mPoints.size()-1 : (i+1);
- int d = ((i+2) >= mPoints.size()) ? mPoints.size()-1 : (i+2);
- drawSegment( mPoints.get(a), mPoints.get(b), mPoints.get(c), mPoints.get(d) );
- }
- noStroke();
- fill(255, 0, 0);
- for (Vec2D p : mPoints) {
- ellipse(p.x, p.y, mRadius*2, mRadius*2);
- }
- }
- void mousePressed() {
- Vec2D m = new Vec2D(mouseX, mouseY);
- mPoints.add(m);
- }
- void keyPressed() {
- if (key == ' ') { mPoints.clear(); }
- if (key == 'o') { bDrawOutlines = !bDrawOutlines; }
- if (key == 'c') { bDrawConstruction = !bDrawConstruction; }
- if (key == ',') { if (mThickness > 1) mThickness--; }
- if (key == '.') { if (mThickness < 100) mThickness++; }
- }
- void drawSegment(Vec2D p0, Vec2D p1, Vec2D p2, Vec2D p3) {
- // skip if zero length
- if (p1.equals(p2)) return;
- // 1) define the line between the two points
- Vec2D line = p2.sub(p1).normalize();
- // 2) find the normal vector of this line
- Vec2D normal = new Vec2D(-line.y, line.x).normalize();
- // 3) find the tangent vector at both the end points:
- // - if there are no segments before or after this one, use the line itself
- // - otherwise, add the two normalized lines and average them by normalizing again
- Vec2D tangent1, tangent2;
- if (p0.equals(p1)) { tangent1 = line.copy(); } else { tangent1 = p1.sub(p0).normalize().add(line).normalize(); }
- if (p2.equals(p3)) { tangent2 = line.copy(); } else { tangent2 = p3.sub(p2).normalize().add(line).normalize(); }
- // 4) find the miter line, which is the normal of the tangent
- Vec2D miter1 = new Vec2D(-tangent1.y, tangent1.x);
- Vec2D miter2 = new Vec2D(-tangent2.y, tangent2.x);
- // find length of miter by projecting the miter onto the normal,
- // take the length of the projection, invert it and scaleSelfiply it by the thickness:
- // length = thickness * ( 1 / |normal|.|miter| )
- float length1 = mThickness /;
- float length2 = mThickness /;
- // calculate miter end points
- Vec2D p1ms = p1.sub(miter1.scale(length1));
- Vec2D p1ma = p1.add(miter1.scale(length1));
- Vec2D p2ms = p2.sub(miter2.scale(length2));
- Vec2D p2ma = p2.add(miter2.scale(length2));
- if (bDrawConstruction) {
- // set line width to 2
- strokeWeight(2);
- // draw black line between p1 and p2
- stroke(0);
- drawLine(p1, p2);
- Vec2D n = normal.scale(mThickness);
- // draw normals in stippled red
- stroke(255, 0, 0);
- drawDottedLine(p1.sub(n), p1.add(n));
- drawDottedLine(p2.sub(n), p2.add(n));
- // draw line segment in stippled gray
- stroke(128);
- drawDottedLine(p1.sub(n), p2.sub(n));
- drawDottedLine(p1.add(n), p2.add(n));
- // draw tangents in gray
- if (!p0.equals(p1)) { drawLine(p1.sub(tangent1.scale(mThickness)), p1.add(tangent1.scale(mThickness))); }
- if (!p2.equals(p3)) { drawLine(p2.sub(tangent2.scale(mThickness)), p2.add(tangent2.scale(mThickness))); }
- // draw miter (normal of tangents) in stippled black
- stroke(0);
- if (!p0.equals(p1)) { drawDottedLine(p1.sub(miter1.scale(length1)), p1.add(miter1.scale(length1))); }
- if (!p2.equals(p3)) { drawDottedLine(p2.sub(miter2.scale(length2)), p2.add(miter2.scale(length2))); }
- // draw black circles on miter
- fill(0);
- ellipse(p1ms.x, p1ms.y, mRadius, mRadius);
- ellipse(p1ma.x, p1ma.y, mRadius, mRadius);
- ellipse(p2ms.x, p2ms.y, mRadius, mRadius);
- ellipse(p2ma.x, p2ma.y, mRadius, mRadius);
- }
- if (bDrawOutlines) {
- // finally, draw segment in thick black
- strokeWeight(3);
- stroke(0);
- drawLine(p1ms, p2ms);
- drawLine(p1ma, p2ma);
- // stipple triangles
- drawDottedLine(p1ms, p1ma);
- drawDottedLine(p1ms, p2ma);
- drawDottedLine(p2ms, p2ma);
- }
- }
- void drawLine(Vec2D s, Vec2D e) {
- gfx.line(s, e);
- }
- void drawDottedLine(Vec2D s, Vec2D e) {
- Line2D l = new Line2D(s, e);
- gfx.points2D(l.splitIntoSegments(null, dotStepSize, true));
- }