Leds 3D voxel
Integration and Hardware
1 year ago
Hello, I want to make 3d creation and to display it 5x5x5 leds RGB in 3D. For that I use cascading rainbowduino. I create firmware to control the leds but my problem is to create 3d engine with 5x5x5 voxels.
I control the hardware with serial bus, I can make program under PC or Mac to control voxels.
3 solutions :
- software like after effect in 3D ( I can use plugins 3D) with export of 5 videos with 5 z differents and I play video and get pixels for pushing by serial bus.(it's difficult to export 5 videos with different depth).
- FBO to use opengl functions in 3d like translate, rotate, light, shader... I want to get voxel from FBO, to put into the serial bus. I want to get pixel with differents depths. And I want to make simulation under PC more complex with these voxels.
How I can do that ? How can I get voxels from FBO in 3D ?
- solution to use array 3D but I can't use graphics functions !
What do you think ?
Do you have an other solution ?