Processing Forum
hey there,

i am trying to get the JMCVideo Lib to run, because it seems to offer a good way of handling alpha chanels in videos.
well but i am having serious starting problems.
me (mac/snowlep)
followed the instructions, installed javaFX 1.2 (and 1.3) then copied everything needed from the 1.2 version to the processing/lib as usual including the jmcvideo.jar from angus.
trust me i did this a couple times, deleting everything and doing it fron scrach, no results.

the good old processing editor keeps tellin me: there is no library..
and netbeans says om.sun.media.jmc.MediaUnsupportedException: Unsupported media: .. which is kind of wierd when u use the demo video, given with he library.

i read all trough the post in the old forum, and it came to my attention that some other people with XCODE installed have the same problem!? but how can that be? who does Xcode fuck with Java? and did u somehow solve this?
would be great! can't wait to test this lib!


well. after sitting away from this rethinking the whole process with a beer, i remembered that you have to put additional dll & jnilibs like the  jmcServerDaemon and the libCoreVideoSupport in the System/Java/Extensiob folder when using Netbeans!

it works, so it has nothing to do with XCODE! hope that helps some of you out there.