Processing Forum
I find that JavaScript doesn't take into account the camera position defined by camera()...
In the sketch below, the sphere should appear at the center of the picture, and it does in Java mode, but in JavaScript it appears in the upper-left corner, as with the default camera position...
(I'm using Processing 2.0b7.)

Am I missing something here? Is it a bug? Thanks for your comment...

Copy code
  1. void setup(){
  2.  size(400,400,P3D);
  3.  camera(0,0,-300,0,0,0,0,1,0);
  4. }
  5. void draw(){
  6.   background(150,200,200);
  7.   fill(255);
  8.   stroke(0);
  9.   sphere(50);
  10. }