interactive flickr photo visualization json
Contributed Library Questions
9 months ago
Hi everybody!
I'm doing a university project,
I have this code which make
a photosearch on flickr and pixelize the result...
I would make it interactive, means allow people to clic on a picture to reverse the pixelization and se the image... can anybody help me?
thank you
(Eventually it would be also great if I can enter a key word and start the search...)
- import processing.pdf.*;
- import org.json.*;
- PImage img1;
- PGraphics pixelized;
- final int TIME = 2000;
- int lastTime = -TIME;
- int level = 1;
- String api = "";
- String apikey = "5aa089fde84e9fb10513ef7605ef0847";
- String tag = "bolzano";
- int xImgPos = 0;
- int yImgPos = 0;
- void setup() {
- size (1125, 1125);
- beginRecord(PDF, "bolzano/bolzano_16_pag1_09.01.13_geo.pdf");
- background (255);
- getFlickrData();
- }
- void pixelize(){
- // Width and height of a cell for this level
- int w = img1.width / level;
- int h = img1.height / level;
- if (w < 1 || h < 1)
- {
- noLoop();
- println("Done");
- return;
- }
- println(level + " -> " + w + "x" + h);
- // We have some extra pixels to distribute
- int excessW = img1.width - w * level;
- int excessH = img1.height - h * level;
- // We will distribute them in the middle
- int excPosX = (level - excessW) / 2;
- int excPosY = (level - excessH) / 2;
- // println(excessW + "x" + excessH + " - " + excPosX + "x" + excPosY);
- pixelized.beginDraw();
- pixelized.noStroke();
- // Position of each cell
- int posX = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
- {
- int cw = w;
- if (i >= excPosX && excessW > 0)
- {
- cw++; excessW--;
- }
- int rowExcessH = excessH;
- int posY = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < level; j++)
- {
- int ch = h;
- if (j >= excPosY && rowExcessH > 0)
- {
- ch++; rowExcessH--;
- }
- color[] colors = new color[cw * ch];
- for (int x = 0; x < cw; x++)
- {
- for (int y = 0; y < ch; y++)
- {
- int pixelPos = x + cw * y;
- int pos = (posX + x) + (posY + y) * img1.width;
- //println(posX + " " + posY + " - " + x + " " + y + " - " + cw + " " + ch);
- colors[pixelPos] = img1.pixels[pos];
- }
- }
- color c = averageColors(colors);
- pixelized.fill(c);
- pixelized.rect(posX, posY, cw, ch);
- posY += ch;
- }
- posX += cw;
- }
- pixelized.endDraw();
- }
- color averageColors(color[] colors)
- {
- long r = 0;
- long g = 0;
- long b = 0;
- for (color c : colors)
- {
- r += (c >> 16) & 0xFF;
- g += (c >> 8) & 0xFF;
- b += c & 0xFF;
- }
- int len = colors.length;
- int ar = int(r / len);
- int ag = int(g / len);
- int ab = int(b / len);
- return 0xFF000000 | (ar << 16) | (ag << 8) | ab;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void getFlickrData() {
- String request = api + "&tags="+tag+"&has_geo=1&page=1&per_page=300&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&extras=geo&api_key="+apikey;
- println(request);
- String result = join (loadStrings( request ), "");
- //println(result);
- try {
- JSONObject flickrData = new JSONObject(join(loadStrings(request), ""));
- //JSONArray photos = flickrData.getJSONArray("photos");
- println("test1");
- println(flickrData );
- // println(flickrData.getString("photos"));
- println("test2");
- JSONObject flickrData2 = new JSONObject(flickrData.getString("photos") ) ;
- // JSONObject results = flickrData.JSONObject(0);
- // JSONArray results = flickrData.getJSONArray("photo");
- // JSONArray results = flickrData.getJSONArray("photos");
- // JSONObject jsonobj2 = flickrData.JSONObject("photo");
- println("test3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------");
- println(flickrData2 );
- println("test4");
- JSONArray results = flickrData2.getJSONArray("photo");
- println("test5");
- println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- println("=======================================");
- int numberOfElements = results.length();
- int lineNum=2;
- int factor1= 110;
- int factor2= 25;
- for (int j = 0; j < numberOfElements; j++) {
- JSONObject entry = results.getJSONObject(j);
- println ("Now we show entry # " + j );
- println (entry);
- println("id is: " + entry.getString("id"));
- //String longitudeID = entry.getString("longitude");
- //String latitudeID = entry.getString("latitude");
- //println("This is longitude and latitude: " + longitudeID+" "+latitudeID);
- String farmID = entry.getString("farm");
- String serverID = entry.getString("server");
- String imageID = entry.getString("id");
- String seceretID = entry.getString("secret");
- //////////// the image url
- String imgURL = "http://farm"+farmID+""+serverID+"/"+imageID+"_"+seceretID+"_s.jpg";
- level = 16;
- println(imgURL);
- img1 = loadImage(imgURL);
- pixelized = createGraphics(img1.width, img1.height, JAVA2D);
- pixelize();
- image(pixelized,xImgPos,yImgPos);
- // this.x = x;
- //this.y = y;
- if (xImgPos> width){
- xImgPos=0;
- yImgPos += pixelized.height;
- }else{
- xImgPos+=pixelized.width;
- }
- //image(img1, 70, j * 95 + 25);
- /*
- PFont myFont=createFont("avenir-32.vlw", 16);
- textFont(myFont, 25);
- lineNum= 1;
- text (entry.getString("title"), j*factor1+lineNum*factor2, j*factor1+lineNum*factor2 );
- lineNum++;
- text (entry.getString("accuracy"), 44, j*factor1+lineNum*factor2 );
- lineNum++;
- textFont(myFont, 14);
- text (entry.getString("context"), 44, j*factor1+lineNum*factor2 );
- lineNum++;*/
- // text (entry.getString("latitude"), 44, j*factor1+lineNum*factor2 );
- //lineNum++;
- //
- println ("----------------------");
- }
- /*
- for (int i = 0; i < photos.length(); i++){
- JSONObject flickrImg = (JSONObject) photos.get(i);
- JSONArray flickrPhoto = flickrImg.getJSONArray("photo");
- JSONObject photo = (JSONObject) flickrPhoto.get(0);
- println("\nLongitude : " + photo.getString("longitude"));
- } */
- }
- catch (JSONException e) {
- println ("There was an error parsing the JSONObject.");
- }
- endRecord();
- }