Processing Forum
What am I missing? I am trying to install a Bluetooth library into Processing ( BtSerial).
I have looked at File/Preferences to check my chosen sketch location.
I have previously and successfully installed another library into the libraries folder in this sketch location.

I downloaded the zip file from the BtSerial site: and when extracted to my libraries folder - it fails to show up in processing, despite a processing reboot. In windows explorer, the extracted folder is named:
BtSerial-master  (which is a folder that contains various java files and classes etc etc).

I cannot find a BtSerial-master.jar file within this folder, so have I just totally missed something?
I am sure it will be something easy but am a bit bamboozled. Can anyone shed some light?

I am using Processing version :  2.0b8
                  Operating System:   Windows 7

Thanks in advance.



Have you looked at the How to Install a Contributed Library article? Particularly the last part...
Hi PhiLho,

I did have a look at that article, but I guess the problem I am having is somewhat related to the fact that I am not seeing a .jar file in the BtSerial download. Only seeing java files and class files etc.  I was hoping that somebody else had actually gone through the motions of installing it, and would explain how they did it. 

I still feel like I am missing something easy here, 


I have since found out that there isn't a jar file, and that it will get one in about a week or so.
So there is the answer.  The jar file was missing.



Hi Scott,

I have made a small program with the BtSerial Library in Processing.
I have integrated the .java file directly in my processing project (The
.jar file is not available in the library as you said).
It works perfectly on android 2.3 (samsung galaxy S2) but doesn't work
on android 4.0 (samsung galaxy tab 7).
I have no idea what the problem is.
Can you tell me if it works for you and the android version you use ?
Have you made some changes to the library ?

Thanks for you reply.
Hi Gwelp,

I did not end up using the BTSerial Library.
I have a samsung Galaxy S2 (Android 2.3), and decided to start from scratch.
I created my own GUI and documented it on my blog. 

Have a look here 

The video can be found here:

The tutorial shows how to create your own Android App using the Processing IDE to connect to your Arduino via Bluetooth.
Hope it helps
