Processing Forum

I'm building a 3D mesh with Toxiclibs, using the TriangleMesh class.

I was wondering, if it's possible to "cut holes" indside the faces of the mesh. like on the picture I attached.
(something like the extrude inner function in c4d)

any hint would be greatly appreciated!

thanks, cheers!


Perhaps it could be done, but in Toxiclibs you'd have to find a custom solution.

This can be done more easily in Hemesh.
yeah, hemesh has a custopm class to do that
oh wow, checked it out, it's just what I need, thanks a lot!
Sorry for late reply... and yes, it's possible in toxiclibs too:
Copy code
  1. // create copy of original mesh face list
  2. List<Face> faces=new ArrayList<Face>(mesh.getFaces());
  3. // then iterate over those faces and define hole size
  4. // 0.8 = inner 80% of triangle will be empty/cut out
  5. for(Face f : faces) {
  6.   mesh.perforateFace(f, 0.8);
  7. }
Awesome! Thanks! I'll give it a try
(Is it possible to have the size of the remaining edge "stripe" defined, instead of keeping a certain % of the face? )