Improving responsiveness of laggy buttons
Android Processing
11 months ago
Hi Folks.
I've got an android tablet app that has quite a few buttons on it, (35 to be precise!). The responsiveness of the buttons is a bit laggy, probably 500ms or so. I'm wondering what, if anything, I can do with my code to try and improve the lag.
The co-ordinates and size of each button are stored in array of objects (uiELement) and when a mousePressed() event is fired, I cycle through the array to see if the X,Y of the 'mouse' was within the boundary of any of the buttons.
Just to put in context, the app looks like this:
The full Sketch is pasted below. If anyone knows of any optimisations that I can use to improve the performance, that would be much appreciated!
- color light = color(0,104,141); color dark = color(0,33,87); color txt = color(255,255,255); int txtsize = 12; int maxlines = 16; ArrayList debugText; uiElement[] uiElements = new uiElement[35]; class uiElement { int x,y,w,h,lx,ly; String label; int active; String group; uiElement(int c_x, int c_y, int c_w, int c_h, int c_lx, int c_ly, String c_label, String c_group) { x = c_x; y = c_y; w = c_w; h = c_h; lx = x+c_lx; ly = y+c_ly; label = c_label; active = 1; group = c_group; } } void setup() { orientation(LANDSCAPE); background(0); addUiElements(); debugText = new ArrayList(); debugText.add("helloo"); debugText.add("this is some text"); //noLoop(); } void draw() { drawUiElements(); int count = debugText.size(); if(count>maxlines) debugText.remove(0); drawTextArea(40, 500, 1050, 250, 10,10); } void addUiElements() { uiElements[0] = new uiElement( 40,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 1","grid"); uiElements[1] = new uiElement(140,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 2","grid"); uiElements[2] = new uiElement(240,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 3","grid"); uiElements[3] = new uiElement(340,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 4","grid"); uiElements[4] = new uiElement(440,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 5","grid"); uiElements[5] = new uiElement(540,50,100,100,5,5,"LED 6","grid"); uiElements[6] = new uiElement( 40,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 7","grid"); uiElements[7] = new uiElement(140,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 8","grid"); uiElements[8] = new uiElement(240,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 9","grid"); uiElements[9] = new uiElement(340,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 10","grid"); uiElements[10] = new uiElement(440,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 11","grid"); uiElements[11] = new uiElement(540,150,100,100,5,5,"LED 12","grid"); uiElements[12] = new uiElement( 40,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 13","grid"); uiElements[13] = new uiElement(140,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 14","grid"); uiElements[14] = new uiElement(240,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 15","grid"); uiElements[15] = new uiElement(340,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 16","grid"); uiElements[16] = new uiElement(440,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 17","grid"); uiElements[17] = new uiElement(540,250,100,100,5,5,"LED 18","grid"); uiElements[18] = new uiElement( 40,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 19","grid"); uiElements[19] = new uiElement(140,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 20","grid"); uiElements[20] = new uiElement(240,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 21","grid"); uiElements[21] = new uiElement(340,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 22","grid"); uiElements[22] = new uiElement(440,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 23","grid"); uiElements[23] = new uiElement(540,350,100,100,5,5,"LED 24","grid"); //drawFunctionButtons(690,50,100,100,4,1,50,0); uiElements[24] = new uiElement(690,50,100,100,5,5,"F1","func"); uiElements[25] = new uiElement(840,50,100,100,5,5,"F2","func"); uiElements[26] = new uiElement(990,50,100,100,5,5,"F3","func"); uiElements[27] = new uiElement(1140,50,100,100,5,5,"F4","func"); //drawSliders(690,200,100,250,4,1,50,0); uiElements[28] = new uiElement(690,200,100,250,5,5,"Slide1","slide"); uiElements[29] = new uiElement(840,200,100,250,5,5,"Slide2","slide"); uiElements[30] = new uiElement(990,200,100,250,5,5,"Slide3","slide"); uiElements[31] = new uiElement(1140,200,100,250,5,5,"Slide4","slide"); //drawAppControl(1140,500,100,50,1,3,0,50); uiElements[32] = new uiElement(1140,500,100,50,5,5,"App1","app"); uiElements[33] = new uiElement(1140,600,100,50,5,5,"App2","app"); uiElements[34] = new uiElement(1140,700,100,50,5,5,"App3","app"); } void drawUiElements() { for (int i = 0; i < uiElements.length; i++) { if (uiElements[i].active>1) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(light); rect(uiElements[i].x,uiElements[i].y,uiElements[i].w,uiElements[i].h); fill(txt); textSize(txtsize); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text(uiElements[i].label,uiElements[i].lx,uiElements[i].ly); uiElements[i].active--; } if (uiElements[i].active==1) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(dark); rect(uiElements[i].x,uiElements[i].y,uiElements[i].w,uiElements[i].h); uiElements[i].active--; fill(txt); textSize(txtsize); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text(uiElements[i].label,uiElements[i].lx,uiElements[i].ly); } } } void drawTextArea(int x, int y, int w, int h, int px, int py) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(dark); rect(x,y,w,h); fill(txt); textSize(txtsize); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); int count = debugText.size(); for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) { String debug = (String) debugText.get(i); text(debug, x+px,y+py+((txtsize+2)*i),w-px,h-py); } } void drawFunctionButtons(int x, int y, int bw, int bh, int nw, int nh, int sw, int sh) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(dark); for (int w = 0; w < nw; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < nh; h++) { rect(x+((bw+sw)*w),y+((bh+sh)*h),bw,bh); } } } void drawSliders(int x, int y, int bw, int bh, int nw, int nh, int sw, int sh) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(dark); for (int w = 0; w < nw; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < nh; h++) { rect(x+((bw+sw)*w),y+((bh+sh)*h),bw,bh); } } } void drawAppControl(int x, int y, int bw, int bh, int nw, int nh, int sw, int sh) { strokeWeight(2); stroke(light); fill(dark); for (int w = 0; w < nw; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < nh; h++) { rect(x+((bw+sw)*w),y+((bh+sh)*h),bw,bh); } } } void mousePressed() { for (int i = 0; i < uiElements.length; i++) { if ((mouseX > uiElements[i].x && mouseX < uiElements[i].x+uiElements[i].w)&&(mouseY > uiElements[i].y && mouseY < uiElements[i].y+uiElements[i].h)) { uiElements[i].active=3; debugText.add(uiElements[i].label+" pressed"); break; } } // String temp ="pressed at x:"+mouseX+" y:"+mouseY; // debugText.add(temp); //println(temp); } public void resume() { } public void pause() { }