Hello everyone,
I have an idea for a project and it would require me to do a detailed image analysis. I have a couple of questions related to this. I need to access the information of the pixels in the image. Of course, all of them would be just too much so I would like to split the image into 'windows' (Fourier analysis kinda ;) ) and get the average colour of those small sections. I know I can do that from the reference, but I do not know how to SEE the numbers of the pixel info since I do not want to change it. I want to get the array of numbers probably and then I'd like to use variables to access each of them. Soooo, the questions are:
1. How to split analysis into separate 'windows'?
2. How to access this data through variables?
I have to mention that I am new to Processing community, pieces of code are not necessary, any comments/suggestions are welcome... :)
Thanks a lot for your attention,