I put the image in but its not showing up on the screen?? Help!! PROCESSING
float myAlienX =200;
float myAlienY = 100;
float speedX =10;
float speedY =0;
int hit = 0;
int miss = 0;
PImage img;
void setup()
size (600,400);
img = loadImage("Alien.png"); //load the image
void draw ()
if(mousePressed) {hit = 0; miss = 0; }
float paddle = 1000/(hit+10);
if(myAlienX < 0 || myAlienY > width) speedX = -speedX ;
if( myAlienY > height ){
speedY = -speedY;
float distance = abs(mouseX-myAlienX);
if (distance < paddle) hit += 1;
else miss +=1;
} else speedY += 1;
myAlienX += speedX;
myAlienY += speedY;
background (100,200,500);
fill (50,100,200);
rect(mouseX-paddle, height-10, 2*paddle,10);
fill (0);
text ("hit : " + hit, 10 , 20);
text ("miss : " + miss, 10 , 40);