I'm porting my Mother library to P2.0 and wonder why the Library Template ant build includes core.jar in my library zip
Library and Tool Development
2 months ago
I've just finished making an update version of Mother, now as a proper library, and P 2.0 compatible, but I've run into an issue with the Ant build process.
I've edited the build.properties file (from the template downloaded yesterday from the repository) as per the online instructions ( https://github.com/processing/processing-templates/wiki/Eclipse-Library-Template), and while everything compiles, the resulting library zip file contains all the libraries listed in the line "classpath.local.include=core.jar, Foetus.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, jogl-all.jar, javaosc.jar, javaoscfull.jar, shapetween.jar, oscP5.jar, toxiclibscore.jar", under section 2 below.
Surely the library zip isn't supposed to be 5MB and include core.jar so probably I've misinterpreted the instructions, alternatively perhaps the ant script has a bug. I know nothing about ant build scripts so probably the former :)
Any ideas on what I should best do here? Just exporting the jar manually from eclipse is of course possible, but not as neat as using the provided Ant!
Ilias B.
I've just finished making an update version of Mother, now as a proper library, and P 2.0 compatible, but I've run into an issue with the Ant build process.
I've edited the build.properties file (from the template downloaded yesterday from the repository) as per the online instructions ( https://github.com/processing/processing-templates/wiki/Eclipse-Library-Template), and while everything compiles, the resulting library zip file contains all the libraries listed in the line "classpath.local.include=core.jar, Foetus.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, jogl-all.jar, javaosc.jar, javaoscfull.jar, shapetween.jar, oscP5.jar, toxiclibscore.jar", under section 2 below.
Surely the library zip isn't supposed to be 5MB and include core.jar so probably I've misinterpreted the instructions, alternatively perhaps the ant script has a bug. I know nothing about ant build scripts so probably the former :)
Any ideas on what I should best do here? Just exporting the jar manually from eclipse is of course possible, but not as neat as using the provided Ant!
Ilias B.
- # Create libraries for the Processing open source programming language and
# environment (http://www.processing.org)
# Customize the build properties to make the ant-build-process work for your
# environment. How? Please read the comments below.
# The default properties are set for OSX, for Windows-settings please refer to
# comments made under (1) and (2).
# (1)
# Where is your Processing sketchbook located?
# If you are not sure, check the sketchbook location in your Processing
# application preferences.
# ${user.home} points the compiler to your home directory.
# For windows the default path to your sketchbook would be
# ${user.home}/My Documents/Processing (make adjustments below).
# (2)
# Where are the jar files located that are required for compiling your library
# such as e.g. core.jar?
# By default the local classpath location points to folder libs inside Eclipse's
# workspace (by default found in your home directory).
# For Windows the default path would be ${user.home}/workspace/libs (make
# adjustments below).
# For OSX users.
# The following path will direct you into Processing's application source code
# folder in case you put Processing inside your Applications folder.
# Uncommenting the line below will overwrite the classpath.local.location from
# above.
# classpath.local.location=/Applications/Processing.app/Contents/Resources/Java/core/library/
# Add all jar files that are required for compiling your project to the local
# and project classpath, use a comma as delimiter. These jar files must be
# inside your classpath.local.location folder.
classpath.local.include=core.jar, Foetus.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, jogl-all.jar, javaosc.jar, javaoscfull.jar, shapetween.jar, oscP5.jar, toxiclibscore.jar
# Add processing's libraries folder to the classpath.
# If you don't need to include the libraries folder to your classpath, comment
# out the following line.
# (3)
# Set the java version that should be used to compile your library.
# Set the description of the Ant build.xml file.
ant.description=MotherLibraryTest Ant build file.
# (4)
# Project details.
# Give your library a name. The name must not contain spaces or special characters.
# The name as the user will see it. This can contain spaces and special characters.
# Use 'normal' or 'fast' as value for project.compile.
# 'fast' will only compile the project into your sketchbook.
# 'normal' will compile the distribution including the javadoc-reference and all
# web-files (the compile process here takes longer).
# All files compiled with project.compile=normal are stored
# in the distribution folder.
# (5)
# The following items are properties that will be used to make changes to the
# web document templates. Values of properties will be inserted into the
# documents automatically.
# If you need more control, you can edit web/index.html and
# web/library.properties directly.
author.name=Ilias Bergstrom
# Set the web page for your library.
# This is NOT a direct link to where to download it.
# Set the category of your library. This must be one (or many) of the following:
# "3D" "Animation" "Compilations" "Data"
# "Fabrication" "Geometry" "GUI" "Hardware"
# "I/O" "Language" "Math" "Simulation"
# "Sound" "Utilities" "Typography" "Video & Vision"
# If a value other than those listed is used, your library will listed as
# "Other".
# A short sentence (or fragment) to summarize the library's function. This will
# be shown from inside the PDE when the library is being installed. Avoid
# repeating the name of your library here. Also, avoid saying anything redundant
# like mentioning that it's a library. This should start with a capitalized
# letter, and end with a period.
library.sentence=A library for live visuals performance with Processing sketches
# Additional information suitable for the Processing website. The value of
# 'sentence' always will be prepended, so you should start by writing the
# second sentence here. If your library only works on certain operating systems,
# mention it here.
# Set the source code repository for your project.
# Recommendations for storing your source code online are Google Code or GitHub.
source.host=Google Code
# The current version of your library.
# This number must be parsable as an int. It increments once with each release.
# This is used to compare different versions of the same library, and check if
# an update is available.
# The version as the user will see it.
library.copyright=(c) 2008-2013
library.dependencies=oscP5, Foetus
# Include javadoc references into your project's javadocs.