I have created a simple library to ease the conversion of hemesh mesh to PShape
Library and Tool Development
1 year ago
I have made available a
simple library for use with the Hemesh library and processing-2.0a6 (or more recent svn versions for the adventurous). You can download the library as a zip or if you want the source, git clone the repository. Either way I have included an example of usage that I have also posted to
openprocessing, which sadly does not currently support opengl sketches of any kind (
I thought this was/is going to be fixed for processing-2.0) and this will be a real issue once processing-2.0 goes mainline. In my sketch I have made use of the enableShape() functionality to add style to the retained shape, which I assume to be the most efficient method and modifying ambient, fill etc. I am contemplating creating a Material class to store this style information in a convenient way before applying it to the retained shape (I think it could be convenient to create say steel, chrome, glass marble as pre-made materials as in povray includes for example), or is there a better way?