Processing Forum
Okay, so here is what I ULTIMATELY hope to accomplish, if possible:
I am writing a GPS program in Processing 1.5.1 utilizing mbtiles and Till Nagel's awesome Unfoldingmaps library.
The program will run on a BeagleBone or BeagleBoard XM running either WinCE or Linux (leaning toward Linux).
An Arduino with a GPS-Bee will pass the GPS data over USB Serial to the Beagle and into Processing.
I have just acquired a 4D Systems uLCD 43PT-GLX resistive touch screen that I would like to use as the graphic display/interface, however it is a serial device.  I can get processing and the screen to pass basic strings, characters and integers back and forth.
Is there anyway to "stream" the void draw() output over serial to the LCD? I would like to make the LCD Processor's primary display method, but the more I dig the more I think that what I'm trying to accomplish will require significant re-writing of the core code and that is just a hole I don't want to go down!  Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Maxxeldiablo, did you ever get Processing ported to a Beaglebone running Linux? I'm looking to do the same and would appreciate any insight you can share.

Thanks in advance