How to make multiple instances of an object - take different paths - when chasing another object???
Programming Questions
9 months ago
you can find the working sketch online at:
Basically I have a class that creates and ellipse. This ellipse will chase the mouse with a little bit of logic.
Then I make five of those ellipses.
how do I keep multiple ellipses from following the same path? So as their projectories are different and they approach the mouse from different sides as much as possible?
Its ok if its for a little bit but I want to keep them from bunching up and overlaying. Do I have to keep track of all their locations and adjust accordingly? or can the variables or "forces" added to them be tweaked enough to make this happen?
here is the code if you do not want to go to the link above:
- //data variables
- ArrayList ellipsoids = new ArrayList();
- PVector mouse, direction, loc, vel, accel;
- int numObjects = 5;
- void setup(){
- size(500,500);
- //initialize and interate the ellipsoid class into the array list
- for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i ++){
- //defines initial starting location and velocity
- PVector loc = new PVector(random(0, width), random(0,height), 0);
- PVector vel = new PVector(random(-1,1),random(-1,1), 0);
- PVector accel = new PVector(0,0);
- PVector mouse = new PVector(random(0,width),random(0,height));
- //Ellipsoids(PVector tempMouse,PVector tempLocation, PVector tempVelocity, PVector tempAcceleration)
- Ellipsoids tempEllipsoids = new Ellipsoids(mouse, loc, vel, accel);
- ellipsoids.add(tempEllipsoids);
- }//for
- }//setup
- void draw(){
- background(100);
- toScreen();
- }//draw
- void toScreen(){
- //pull each ellipsoid out of the array and draw it to screen
- for(int j = 0; j < ellipsoids.size(); j++){
- Ellipsoids ellips = (Ellipsoids) ellipsoids.get(j);
-;//method in class that starts other methods
- }//for
- }//toScreen
- class Ellipsoids{
- //our class of two dimensional aliens
- //here to play tag with our mice
- //avoid them!! all this class does is
- //draw the ellipse with the given
- //variables from the main code
- //data variables
- //Some PVectors to store our coordinates in for easy access
- PVector location,mouse,direction,acceleration,velocity;
- //floats to transfer data from PVectors and do math
- float x,y,dx,dy;
- float boost = 0.5;
- boolean isFar = true;
- boolean isShort = false;
- //constructor
- Ellipsoids(PVector tempMouse,PVector tempLocation, PVector tempVelocity, PVector tempAcceleration){
- //initialize object data
- mouse = new PVector(tempMouse.x,tempMouse.y);
- location = new PVector(tempLocation.x,tempLocation.y);
- velocity = new PVector(tempVelocity.x,tempVelocity.y);
- acceleration = new PVector(tempAcceleration.x,tempAcceleration.y);
- }//constructor
- void run(){
- //run all the other methods
- trackMouse();
- move();
- tests();
- updateFar();
- updateShort();
- render();
- }//run
- //this continually tracks and updates the mouse PVector
- //so we can use that information in other methods.
- void trackMouse(){
- mouse = new PVector(mouseX,mouseY);
- //also update the difference between mouse and object
- direction = PVector.sub(mouse,location);
- direction.normalize();//simplify PVector
- }//trackMouse
- //update PVectors for movement
- void move(){
- direction.mult(boost);//multiply by scalar
- acceleration = direction;//transfer data from one to other
- velocity.add(acceleration);//adds new accel data to velocity
- velocity.limit(10);//limits how large velocity can get
- location.add(velocity); //adds velocity to location
- velocity.mult(0.9);//keeps object from going in circles around mouse
- }//updateFar
- //how close is the object to mouse
- //change booleans appropriately
- void tests(){
- //are we 'x' distance away?
- if(abs(mouse.x - location.x) >= 100 && abs(mouse.y - location.y) >= 100){
- isShort = false;
- isFar = true;
- }//if
- //did the mouse just move in a straight line up,down,left,right?
- if(abs(mouse.x - location.x) >= 0 && abs(mouse.y - location.y) > 100){
- isShort = false;
- isFar = true;
- }//if
- if(abs(mouse.x - location.x) > 100 && abs(mouse.y - location.y) >= 0){
- isShort = false;
- isFar = true;
- }//if
- //are we within 'x' amount of distance?
- if(abs(mouse.x - location.x) < 100 && abs(mouse.y - location.y) < 100){
- isFar = false;
- isShort = true;
- }//if
- }//tests
- //update the PVectors for when object is far from mouse
- void updateFar(){
- if(isFar){
- boost = 0.5;
- println("isFar");
- }//if
- }//updateClose
- //update the PVectors for when object is closer to mouse
- void updateShort(){
- if(isShort){
- boost = 1.5;
- println("isShort");
- }//if
- }//updateClose
- void render(){
- noFill();
- stroke(0);
- ellipse(location.x,location.y,10,10);
- }//render
- }//classEllipsoids