Processing Forum
Using Mac OS X 10.6.8, Processing 1.5.1, and the default renderer, I try to create a MovieMaker object, but upon initialization always see this error:

at quicktime.std.StdQTException.checkError(StdQTException.java:40)
at quicktime.std.movies.Movie.createMovieFile(Movie.java:116)
at processing.video.MovieMaker.initMovie(MovieMaker.java:219)
at processing.video.MovieMaker.<init>(MovieMaker.java:209)
at processing.video.MovieMaker.<init>(MovieMaker.java:159)
at Performative_v24.setup(Performative_v24.java:119)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1608)
at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1530)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

Any thoughts on how to diagnose this?  Or, if MM is broken, what are some alternatives?  I just need to export a QuickTime movie file.  I have looked into these alternatives:
  • The GSVideo library, which is great, but does not seem to support any of QT's default codecs, as MM does (like H264).  Is there a way to get GSVideo to export with standard QT codecs?
  • Processing 2.0 will have improved video support (derived from GSVideo), but I have examined 2.0a1, and the MovieMaker class seems to be gone. Has it been renamed?
Thanks in advance for any ideas!


Did you try creating the GSMovieMaker object using the X264 codec? It should be compatible with h264. As for Processing 2.0, there is a new movie maker tool in the works, I think it will be available in the next alpha release. 

Thanks.  Yes, I tried X264, which didn't work for me.  No errors in Processing, but QT (version 10) isn't able to read the file (see screenshot).  Is X264 really cross-compatible with h.264?

Thanks for your help, and all your contributions to Processing.