how can I connect wiiRemote????
hy, I try to connect wiiremote with processing using the DarwiinRemoteOSC from
But I can’t
DarwiinRemote OSC 0.2.1 default osc remote address: (make changes in the preferences) default osc receiving port is 5601
Please press button 1 and button 2 simultaneously
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (-536870212) =====
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (-536870212) =====
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (-536870212) =====
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (4) =====
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (188) =====
Please press button 1 and button 2 simultaneously
===== Connected to WiiRemote =====
===== lost connection with WiiRemote =====
Please press the synchronize button
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (-536870212) =====
===== WiiRemoteDiscovery error (188) =====
may be the problem ist in bluetooth's preferences from mac OSX ????
Thanks! mariana