high res koch 3d fractal with toxiclib
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
i'm attempt to make an usual workflow for processing user: use some computational geometry library (in my case the supercool toxiclib) and then render with sunflow.
i'm flirting with fractals in this period so my sketch is on koch3d fractal surface:
i've done it with TriangleMesh toxic class and a KochSubdivideStrategy class that take 2 triangular faces (a quad), subdivide it in a 3x3 grid, extrude the center, and do it recursively. ok, it works.
this is my result:
now, each iteration i print out the number of vertices and this is what i get:
now.. i want to get only the structure - TriangleMesh object or List<Vec3D> - and not to render it (the render will be in sunflow and i don't care about how long it is and how much time it takes).140172627968441867
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
i am almost totally empty of shading and gpu stuffs.. but..
how can i get more resolution without java heap space exception?
mayebe some gpu or shading stuff can help me?
or what else?
ok make fractals is a really heavy computations and it has exponential complexity but how can i achive some really really cool complex geometric mesh like this last piece (from

after that i want to use some of subdividing strategy of the toxiclib core for deform a bit my koch3d so i need to ba back in java.. any ideas?