Help with eating game
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
Hello, we try to let cookies fall down from the sky and you have to eat them, but now the cookies only dissapear when you "touch" them, help!
The code (we call the "cookies" , "bubbles")
(the cookie (bubble))
import*; // Imports the OpenCV library
OpenCV opencv; // Creates a new OpenCV object
PImage movementImg; // Creates a new PImage to hold the movement image
int poppedBubbles; // Creates a variable to hold the total number of popped bubbles
ArrayList bubbles; // Creates an ArrayList to hold the Bubble objects
PImage bubblePNG; // Creates a PImage that will hold the image of the bubble
PFont font; // Creates a new font object
void setup()
size ( 640, 480 ); // Window size of 640 x 480
opencv = new OpenCV( this ); // Initialises the OpenCV library
opencv.capture( 640, 480 ); // Sets the capture size to 640 x 480
movementImg = new PImage( 640, 480 ); // Initialises the PImage that holds the movement image
poppedBubbles = 0;
bubbles = new ArrayList(); // Initialises the ArrayList
bubblePNG = loadImage("bubble.png"); // Load the bubble image into memory
font = loadFont("Serif-48.vlw"); // Load the font file into memory
textFont(font, 32);
void draw()
bubbles.add(new Bubble( (int)random( 0, width - 40), -bubblePNG.height, bubblePNG.width, bubblePNG.height)); // Adds a new bubble to the array with a random x position; // Captures a frame from the camera
opencv.flip(OpenCV.FLIP_HORIZONTAL); // Flips the image horizontally
image( opencv.image(), 0, 0 ); // Draws the camera image to the screen
opencv.absDiff(); // Creates a difference image
opencv.convert(OpenCV.GRAY); // Converts to greyscale
opencv.blur(OpenCV.BLUR, 3); // Blur to remove camera noise
opencv.threshold(20); // Thresholds to convert to black and white
movementImg = opencv.image(); // Puts the OpenCV buffer into an image object
for ( int i = 0; i < bubbles.size(); i++ ){ // For every bubble in the bubbles array
Bubble _bubble = (Bubble) bubbles.get(i); // Copies the current bubble into a temporary object
if(_bubble.update() == 1){ // If the bubble's update function returns '1'
bubbles.remove(i); // then remove the bubble from the array
_bubble = null; // and make the temporary bubble object null
i--; // since we've removed a bubble from the array, we need to subtract 1 from i, or we'll skip the next bubble
}else{ // If the bubble's update function doesn't return '1'
bubbles.set(i, _bubble); // Copys the updated temporary bubble object back into the array
_bubble = null; // Makes the temporary bubble object null.
opencv.remember(OpenCV.SOURCE, OpenCV.FLIP_HORIZONTAL); // Remembers the camera image so we can generate a difference image next frame. Since we've
// flipped the image earlier, we need to flip it here too.
text("Bubbles popped: " + poppedBubbles, 20, 40); // Displays some text showing how many bubbles have been popped
class Bubble
int bubbleX, bubbleY, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight; // Some variables to hold information about the bubble
Bubble ( int bX, int bY, int bW, int bH ) // The class constructor- sets the values when a new bubble object is made
bubbleX = bX;
bubbleY = bY;
bubbleWidth = bW;
bubbleHeight = bH;
int update() // The Bubble update function
int movementAmount; // Create and set a variable to hold the amount of white pixels detected in the area where the bubble is
movementAmount = 0;
for( int y = bubbleY; y < (bubbleY + (bubbleHeight-1)); y++ ){ // For loop that cycles through all of the pixels in the area the bubble occupies
for( int x = bubbleX; x < (bubbleX + (bubbleWidth-1)); x++ ){
if ( x < width && x > 0 && y < height && y > 0 ){ // If the current pixel is within the screen bondaries
if (brightness(movementImg.pixels[x + (y * width)]) > 127) // and if the brightness is above 127 (in this case, if it is white)
movementAmount++; // Add 1 to the movementAmount variable.
if (movementAmount > 5) // If more than 5 pixels of movement are detected in the bubble area
poppedBubbles++; // Add 1 to the variable that holds the number of popped bubbles
return 1; // Return 1 so that the bubble object is destroyed
}else{ // If less than 5 pixels of movement are detected,
bubbleY += 10; // increase the y position of the bubble so that it falls down
if (bubbleY > height) // If the bubble has dropped off of the bottom of the screen
{ return 1; } // Return '1' so that the bubble object is destroyed
image(bubblePNG, bubbleX, bubbleY); // Draws the bubble to the screen
return 0; // Returns '0' so that the bubble isn't destroyed