Here is a way to implement the dialog tree:
- DialogLine[] dialogLines =
- {
- new DialogLine("A", "Hello", "B", "C", "D"),
- new DialogLine("B", "Go away", "."),
- new DialogLine("C", "Hi, how are you?", "E", "F"),
- new DialogLine("D", "Who are you?", "G", "H"),
- new DialogLine("E", "Fine, and you?", "!"),
- new DialogLine("F", "Not so well...", "!"),
- new DialogLine("G", "I am John, do you remember me?", "I", "J"),
- new DialogLine("H", "Sorry, that's a mistake", "."),
- new DialogLine("I", "Hi, John", "C", "K"),
- new DialogLine("J", "Not at all, goodbye", "."),
- new DialogLine("K", "Nice to see you", "."),
- new DialogLine(".", "The END"),
- new DialogLine("!", "To Be Continued"),
- };
- // The dialog lines indexed by their id, for easy lookup
- HashMap<String, DialogLine> dialogTree = new HashMap<String, DialogLine>();
- // The line currently displayed
- DialogLine currentLine;
- // The dialog so far
- ArrayList<String> dialog = new ArrayList<String>();
- void setup ()
- {
- size(400, 800);
- smooth();
- for (DialogLine dl : dialogLines)
- {
- dialogTree.put(, dl);
- }
- currentLine = dialogTree.get("A");
- dialog.add(currentLine.line);
- }
- void draw ()
- {
- background(255);
- fill(#004499);
- textSize(20);
- text(currentLine.line, 10, 30);
- // Display the choice of answers
- fill(#0077EE);
- textSize(15);
- int y = 60;
- int toChoose = 1;
- for (String ch : currentLine.choices)
- {
- DialogLine choice = dialogTree.get(ch);
- text(toChoose++ + ": " + choice.line, 20, y);
- y += 22;
- }
- // Display the history of the dialog
- fill(#0055AA);
- textSize(12);
- y = 200;
- for (String line : dialog)
- {
- text(line, 20, y);
- y += 20;
- }
- }
- void keyPressed()
- {
- int choiceNb = currentLine.choices.length;
- int choice = key - '1';
- if (choice < 0 || choice >= choiceNb)
- return; // Ignore
- String choiceId = currentLine.choices[choice];
- DialogLine chosenAnswer = dialogTree.get(choiceId);
- if (chosenAnswer != null)
- {
- currentLine = dialogTree.get(choiceId);
- dialog.add(currentLine.line);
- }
- }
- /**
- * A dialog line: an id, the line itself, and a list of choices,
- * ie. of possible answers to this line.
- */
- class DialogLine
- {
- String id;
- String line;
- String[] choices;
- DialogLine(String i, String l, String... c)
- {
- id = i;
- line = l;
- choices = c;
- }
- String toString()
- {
- return id + " - " + line + " (" + choices.length + ")";
- }
- }
Primitive, and need some fixes (the user probably shouldn't choose the answers for both speakers) but that's the spirit.
[EDIT] I fixed a bad branching, added one line looping in the dialog (that's no longer a tree but a graph!), renamed the class, added an history and some comments.
Making the computer to choose a random answer every other time is quite easy to add, actually.