I drew my name out of lines and shape as follows
size(830, 620);
//the B
rect(50, 120, 1, 200);
arc(51, 270, 110, 110, PI+HALF_PI, TWO_PI+QUARTER_PI+QUARTER_PI);
arc(51, 162, 90, 90, PI+HALF_PI, TWO_PI+QUARTER_PI+QUARTER_PI);
// the E
arc(185, 260, 120, 120, HALF_PI, HALF_PI+PI);
line(125, 260, 185, 260);
// the N
rect(220, 200, 1, 120);
arc(220, 270, 150, 150, PI+HALF_PI, TWO_PI+QUARTER_PI);
// the C
arc(375, 435, 150, 150, HALF_PI, PI+HALF_PI);
// the A
triangle(435, 370, 460, 440, 410, 440);
line(460, 440, 475, 500);
line(410, 440, 390, 500);
beginShape();// the K
vertex(500, 370);
vertex(500, 440);
vertex(540, 370);
vertex(500, 440);
vertex(540, 520);
vertex(500, 440);
vertex(500, 520);
// the I
quad(570, 370, 570.5, 370, 570.5, 520, 570, 520);
// the R
quad(610, 370, 610.5, 370, 610.5, 520, 610, 520);
triangle(610, 370, 610, 450, 660, 410);
line(610, 450, 660, 520);
size(830, 620);
Now for a separate project, I want to turn all these things into one individual shape so that i can move it around with the mouse. (which needs to be with ifs)