GSoC Result: XQMode - Live Syntax and Error Checker for Processing 2.0
Library and Tool Development
11 months ago
Hello everyone,

XQMode is a contributed Mode for Processing that underlines and reports syntax and compilation errors in code as you type, on the fly.
Features include underlining error lines, tabular list of errors, click to scroll to error line and eclipse like error bar displaying positions of all errors in the tab.
- You need Processing 2.0b5 or later.
- Download the latest version of XQMode from here.
- If not already present, create a folder named "modes" inside your Sketchbook folder. (The location of the sketchbook folder is shown in Processing's Preferences dialog)
- Extract the contents of XQMode .zip into the modes folder.
- Restart Processing.
Find out more in the
getting started wiki.
Do try it out! I would really appreciate your feedback and comments. Hope you find it useful.
Project repo:
Please report issues here:
My mentor for this project - Daniel Shiffman, has been instrumental in the development. Special thanks to Ben Fry for solving some really tricky problems and making XQMode compatible with Processing. Other members of the Processing team – Martin Leopold, Florian Jenett and Andres Colubri provided valuable inputs and helped with internal testing.
