Circular Graph
Programming Questions
3 years ago
After playing with a 3d graph with 4 values (here the result )
I liked to try now a graph with more than 4 values. But if I do more than 4 values it will be hard to read if the graph is in a box. So I was thinking of a circle / ellipse where the graph is located in.
How would this look like? (the straight lines are to show you how the circles move to the control points)
With a curvevertex I tried to make a circle (because then I create points that I can control with ControlP5).
Problem is that I can't get it a perfect circle
Is 5 curvevertex points not enough to create a ellipse.
import processing.opengl.*;
void setup() {size(800, 800, OPENGL);hint(ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH);background(0);stroke(255);strokeWeight(2);}
void draw() {beginShape();curveVertex(400,150); //v1curveVertex(637,325); //v2curveVertex(547,604); //v3curveVertex(253,604); //v4curveVertex(163,325); //v5curveVertex(400,150); //v1curveVertex(637,325); //v2curveVertex(547,604); //v3endShape();fill(0);}
And how can I let the other circles react with the most inner circle is doing ( reaction on the sliders from ControlP5 ) ?
I don't know what terms to look for, or maybe this is already done before. If so; how are these graphs called or can I view an example?