Processing Forum

While working on another project we needed to include weather information into Processing. The sketch that is running for weeks or even months has to change according to the local weather. Since there was no library for that purpose yet, we decided to write one ourselves and release it. Feedback is always welcome!

More information and download here :


I like this a lot.

Thanks a lot cedrickiefer,

I would love it if I can use your library, yesterday I downloaded it on onformative.com, when I tried the example "GoogleWeatherSimpleExample" I got this problem:

ClassNotFoundException: processing.xml.XMLElement

it highlighted on:
weather = new GoogleWeather(this, cityName, updateIntervallInSeconds);

I'm using Processing 2.0a6

I hope you can help me, what my problem is ...

Thanks and Regards.
XMLElement should be XML in Processing 2.0. This might be the problem.
I just rewrote the library and it should be online today on the onformative website, will keep you updated here!
Hi joshuakoomen,

I'm sorry, I don't understand, what do you mean, XMLElement should be XML in Processing 2.0?

Hi marzzzel,

I will be wait for it patiently ... peace!
Coming up in Processing 2.0, XMLElement has been renamed XML... and enhanced.
If you were to use Processing 1.5.1, you would not encounter this problem.
A list of changes can be found here.
Thank You calsign,

I try to run the example on Processing 1.5.1 it's run excellently. Thank You very much .
hey, everybody. 

i just wanted to finish the library and encountered some weird problems. i changed the XML part of the library according to the changed which have been made in processing 2.*. (  http://wiki.processing.org/w/Changes ) But when running it i sometimes (indeed, kind of irregularly) get the following errors:

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  1. java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Berlin
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  1. http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Berlin does not exist or could not be read

following the stack trace the exceptions appear in the following line, which has been working in the processing 1.5 way. 

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  1. XML mainXML = loadXML("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Berlin");

did anybody try downloading xml files from the internet via processing 2.* yet and/or have any suggestion how to fix this problem? let me know in case you want to see the entire stack trace.
