I couldn't find a thread or a recipient so I created a new topic.
I currently developing a tool for an art installation that I am creating. It is called “Processing Sequencer” and has two primary uses. First: time-controlled animation: arranging different processing sketches on a time line and stacking them (to be rendered at once). Second: it allows easy interaction with sensors (or any other data producer). I have attached a PDF describing the functionality in greater detail. I have already implemented a proof of concept model. However, now that I am more able to see the full potential, I would like to make a fully working open source program as a contribution to Processing. In my opinion it could contribute a wealth of possible applications to the Processing environment. By being supported through this years Summer of Code, I would be able to make this program available to a wide variety of users.
My tool makes use of the PDE, to which I would also like to add two functions:
An reflection based code completion tool, similar to that in Eclipse, which also implements the HTML-reference in the editor, so the user always has access to examples, argument lists etc.
A (pseudo) live code functionality.
This would allow the renderer to update without restarting the whole VM or reloading everything.
I would use the time in which I was funded in order to implement these two functions and to make “Processing Sequencer” a working program which could be used by anybody. If this is of interest, I would be able to send you a working copy of the tool within a few days (I would first need to eliminate some problems to make it work on other systems).
Who I am:
I am currently studying Neuroscience/Psychology at the HU-Berlin, but I always have been interested in programming. I started coding C++ at the age of 12, later changed to Java, and recently I have been using Matlab to analyze neural data. I began to be interested in art a few years ago, and this interest, in combination with my interest in programming, has lead me to create a large scale installation involving generative art. I already use Processing to create the visualizations, but in order to have time-based control, I began to develop the Processing Sequencer.
I am proficient in Java and have some knowledge of the Swing Library. Additionally, I started hacking Processing a while ago, so I have some basic knowledge of its structure.
I hope to hear from you soon. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
And to all the others, who are not involved in the Summer of Code, I would really like to hear whats your thoughts on the project