Processing Forum

this is my first post and I want to apologize for my English. I'm a 19 years old french student.
I want to apologize for my bad level in processing too :P.
I discovered it thanks to Arduino, and I use it to create interfaces between me (my laptop) and my robot (my arduino).
I am planning to use a wii mote for my robot. I installed all the stuff and: 
it works great!

let's talk about my problems.

I can use the "example" project. I understand the result but not how it works (i don't need to re-invent wheels-frenche expression-)

But for my project It would be nice if I could use more features of the wiimote:
-get the battery status
-control the leds
-get the nunchuck acc & joy.

for the moment I am usign this sketch:
http://letsmakerobots.com/node/23723 ( i'm not the autor)

I found this:
http://en.sourceforge.jp/projects/wrj4p5/wiki/Wrj4P5(en) wich seems to be very suitable for my problem.

For the moment I am using this:

Copy code
  1. battery=100*wii.rimokon.getBatteryLevel();
  2. println(battery);


Copy code
  1. Wrj4P5 wii;

at the beginning of my sketch.

it sends me 0,29% instead of 44%! (checked with another non-processing method)

So my questions are:

-what have I done wrong with the battery status?

-how can I drive the LEDS?

-Has anyone an exemple of a sketch using wii remote + nunchuck?

Thank you for reading, and sorry I have wrote a lot!


EDIT: more and more success! still having trouble with led driving, and the battery status doesn't report any error, but the result is not good (2.7% of battery??? I have 52% !)

Answer to myself: I have successfully get the button informations from the nunchuck controller!

here is my code:

Copy code
  1. import lll.wrj4P5.*;

  2. Wrj4P5 wii;

  3. void setup() {
  4.   size(300,300,P3D);
  5.   wii=new Wrj4P5(this);
  6.   wii.connect();
  7. void draw() {
  8.   background(0);
  9.   stroke(255);
  10.   translate(300/2,300/2,0);
  11.   lights();
  12.   rotateX((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.x*30+300));
  13.   rotateY((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.y*30+300));
  14.   rotateZ((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.z*30+300));
  15.   box(100,100,100);
  16. }
  17. void buttonPressed(RimokonEvent evt, int rid) {
  18.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.TWO)) println("2");
  19.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.ONE)) println("1");
  20.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.B)) println("B");
  21.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.A)) println("A");
  22.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.MINUS)) println("Minus");
  23.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.HOME)) println("Home");
  24.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.LEFT)) println("Left");
  25.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.RIGHT)) println("Right");
  26.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.DOWN)) println("Down");
  27.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.UP)) println("Up");
  28.    if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.PLUS)) println("Plus");
  29. }

  30. void nunchakuPressed(NunchakuEvent evt, int rid)
  31. {
  33.   if (evt.wasPressed(NunchakuEvent.Z)) 
  34.   {
  35.     println("Z");
  36.     println(wii.nunchaku.stick.x);  //print the position of the nunchuck joystick (on X axis)
  37.     println(wii.nunchaku.sensed.x);  //print the acceleration of the nunchuck (on X axis)
  38.     println(wii.rimokon.getBatteryLevel());   //print the battery level (still bug, or there is a conversion to do)
  39.     etatled =! etatled ;      //toggle the state of the led
  40.     wii.rimokon.setLED(1, etatled) ;      //DO NOT WORK :( null pointer exception....
  41.    }
  42. }

It was the simple part, because it was very similar to the remote controller exemple code.
But I have no example for the battery status or the LEDs, if anyone could help me...
Did you get this fixed in the end?

I don't know about the Battery life problems you have, but I do have the LEDs working great.

So reply here and let me know if you still need help (6 weeks later!)


Still having issues with battery and LEDS (I can switch on leds, but its weird, I can't choose wich led to turn on/off)

I have read in Wrj4P5 lib that this is normal that it doesn't work (LED, piezo speaker, battery status and vibration). If I have understood well, it's because wiimote communicate at 100Hz and a Processing sketch can "only" make 60 loop per second.