Get the battery status of a Wii remote.
Integration and Hardware
2 years ago
this is my first post and I want to apologize for my English. I'm a 19 years old french student.
I want to apologize for my bad level in processing too :P.
I discovered it thanks to Arduino, and I use it to create interfaces between me (my laptop) and my robot (my arduino).
I am planning to use a wii mote for my robot. I installed all the stuff and:
it works great!
let's talk about my problems.
I can use the "example" project. I understand the result but not how it works (i don't need to re-invent wheels-frenche expression-)
But for my project It would be nice if I could use more features of the wiimote:
-get the battery status
-control the leds
-get the nunchuck acc & joy.
for the moment I am usign this sketch: ( i'm not the autor)
I found this: wich seems to be very suitable for my problem.
For the moment I am using this:
Copy code
- battery=100*wii.rimokon.getBatteryLevel();
- println(battery);
Copy code
- Wrj4P5 wii;
at the beginning of my sketch.
it sends me 0,29% instead of 44%! (checked with another non-processing method)
So my questions are:
-what have I done wrong with the battery status?
-how can I drive the LEDS?
-Has anyone an exemple of a sketch using wii remote + nunchuck?
Thank you for reading, and sorry I have wrote a lot!