Processing Forum

Hey everyone! I've written a tutorial for CreativeApplications.net which covers the basic building blocks for 2D/3D projects in Processing. Starting with creating and texturing custom 2D geometry, it then moves on to do the same (creation and texturing) for 3D geometry. Finally it covers different types of shaders. Not only fragment shaders (as often seen online), but complete vertex/fragment shader pairs with a specific focus on lighting, texturing, vertex displacement and texture mixing. Of course there is only so much you can cover in one tutorial, but hopefully it will provide some insight into the basic steps to do all these things. Especially since the tutorial is supported by 13 fully commented code examples that are made available for both Processing 1.5.1 + GLGraphics 1.0.0 and Processing 2.0b8, 2.0b9 & 2.0 Final. After an initial early access period for CAN members only, the tutorial is now open access and available for everyone, so go check it out!

Blog post: http://www.creativeapplications.net/processing/geometry-textures-shaders-processing-tutorial/

Vimeo video: http://vimeo.com/66585777

Source code: https://github.com/AmnonOwed

Tweet: https://twitter.com/creativeapps/status/342053158752751618
