Generative Artwork for Montblanc
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1 years ago

Just want to show one of our latest projects we recently finished. a new product presentation for the world wide relaunch of the Montblanc website was recently developed. For each product line a generative artist was invited to develop a flexible and unique artwork, which provides the masterpieces with an appropriate presentation stage. In addition to other artists, such as Marius Watz and Anthony Mattox, who are developing artworks for the brand’s sunglass and perfume lines, we were invited to develop their interpretation of an artwork for the product category watches.
The artwork consists of two elements – delicate linear structures and amorphous bodies – which visualize the characteristics of Montblanc watches: the highest precision of the movement and the high quality of the materials.
The tool was created using processing and all animations are exported without the need of post production. The team made use of a wide range of great processing libraries like toxiclibs for the fluid and GLGraphics to make shading possible, as well as Lee Byrons meshLib and the Ani Tweaning Library by Benedikt Groß for the mesh and its animation. Not to forget ControlP5 and ProScene for camera and control.
Please find more information, Video and Flickr sets on the project page :