G4P - Some problems with Windows (Closing and the Event Management)
Contributed Library Questions
4 months ago
I am using G4P (3.2.4 and processing 2.0 b9) to create a weather application with Processing and I need two additional windows, one for information, one for settings.
This is the code to create the setting window:
- Einstellungen = new GWindow(this, "Einstellungen", 0, 0, 320, 550, false, P2D);
- Einstellungen.setActionOnClose(GWindow.CLOSE_WINDOW);
- Einstellungen.setResizable(false);
- Einstellungen.addDrawHandler(this, "win_draw1");
My second problem is that the user should not be able to create more than one setting window and so I'm searching for a close event to handle whether the window has been closed or not.
I hope you understand my bad English (I'm from Germany) and you could help me.
Thank you!
Btw: You did a great job with G4P and I hope you're still improving it.