Frooger Collision Question
Programming Questions
10 months ago
Hello, you all know the story. We're almost done, but I can't figure out how to make Santa react to hitting the deer. What's the simplest way to do this? Here's the code: (it's long, sorry.)
PImage Santa;
PImage Sled;
PImage Reindeer;
PImage Dirt;
PImage Ice;
PImage Water;
PImage Logs;
PImage bg;
PImage House;
PImage Gift;
PImage reindeer;
PImage reindeer2;
PImage reindeer3;
PImage reindeer4;
PImage reindeer5;
PImage reindeer6;
PImage reindeer7;
PImage reindeer8;
PImage reindeer9;
PImage reindeer10;
PImage reindeer11;
PImage reindeer12;
PImage reindeer13;
PImage sleigh;
PImage sleigh2;
PImage sleigh3;
PImage sleigh4;
PImage sleigh5;
PImage sleigh6;
PImage sleigh7;
PImage sleigh8;
PImage sleigh9;
PImage sleigh10;
PImage sleigh11;
PImage sleigh12;
PImage sleigh13;
PImage sleigh14;
PImage sleigh15;
PImage sleigh16;
PImage sleigh17;
PImage sleigh18;
PImage penguin;
PFont FontA;
int santaX = 185, santaY = 442;
int house1X= 30, house1Y = 0;
int house2X= 123, house2Y = 0;
int house3X= 216, house3Y = 0;
int house4X= 309, house4Y = 0;
int house5X= 402, house5Y = 0;
int santaMP = santaX;
int Score= 0;
float x;
float x2;
float x3;
float x4;
float x5;
float x6;
float x7;
float x8;
float x9;
float x10;
float x11;
float x12;
float x13;
float x14;
float x15;
float x16;
float a;
float a2;
float a3;
float a4;
float a5;
float a6;
float a7;
float a8;
float a9;
float a10;
float a11;
float a12;
float a13;
float a14;
float a15;
float a16;
float a17;
float a18;
float z;
Integer count = 0;
Integer count2 = 0;
Integer count3 = 0;
Integer startR2 = 0;
Integer startR3 = 0;
Integer startR5 = 0;
Integer startR6 = 0;
Integer startR7 = 0;
Integer startR8 = 0;
Integer startR10 = 0;
Integer startR11 = 0;
Integer startR12 = 0;
Integer startS2 = 0;
Integer startS3 = 0;
Integer startS4 = 0;
Integer startS6 = 0;
Integer startS7 = 0;
Integer startS8 = 0;
Integer startS9 = 0;
Integer startS10 = 0;
Integer startS11 = 0;
Integer startS12 = 0;
Integer startS13 = 0;
Integer startS14 = 0;
Integer startS15 = 0;
Integer startS16 = 0;
Integer startS17 = 0;
Integer startS18 = 0;
boolean left, right, up, down;
boolean runOnce=true;
//boolean intersect=false;
//boolean deerintersect=false;
boolean rightblock=false;
boolean leftblock=false;
boolean downblock=false;
boolean upblock=false;
boolean scoreblockdown=false;
boolean scoreblockup=false;
boolean house1collision=false;
boolean gift1Delivered=false;
boolean house2collision=false;
boolean gift2Delivered=false;
boolean house3collision=false;
boolean gift3Delivered=false;
boolean house4collision=false;
boolean gift4Delivered=false;
boolean house5collision=false;
boolean gift5Delivered=false;
boolean allgifts=false;
boolean resetgifts=false;
void setup() {
size (450, 510);
FontA = loadFont ("ArcadeNormal-48.vlw");
Santa = loadImage ("santasmall.png");
Reindeer = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
bg = loadImage ("black.jpg");
Dirt = loadImage ("8-bit_dirt.png");
Ice = loadImage ("8-bit_ice.png");
Water = loadImage ("8-bit_water.png");
Logs = loadImage ("8-bit_log.png");
House = loadImage ("house.png");
Gift = loadImage ("gift1.png");
reindeer = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
reindeer2 = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
reindeer3 = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
reindeer4 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer5 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer6 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer7 = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
reindeer8 = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
reindeer9 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer10 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer11 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer12 = loadImage ("reindeer.png");
reindeer13 = loadImage ("reindeer2.png");
sleigh = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh2 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh3 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh4 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh5 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh6 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh7 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh8 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh9 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh10 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh11 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh12 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh13 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh14 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh15 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh16 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh17 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
sleigh18 = loadImage ("sleigh.png");
penguin = loadImage ("penguin.png");
void draw ()
image(Water, 0, 0);
image(Ice, 0, 45, Ice.width, Ice.height/1.3);
image(Dirt, 0, 287, Dirt.width, Dirt.height/2.55);
image(Logs, -5, 131, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 145, 131, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 295, 131, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, -5, 251, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 145, 251, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 295, 251, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, -5, 441, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 145, 441, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(Logs, 295, 441, Logs.width/.8, Logs.height/.8);
image(House, house1X, house1Y);
image(House, house2X, house2Y);
image(House, house3X, house3Y);
image(House, house4X, house4Y);
image(House, house5X, house5Y);
//image(Logs, 300, height-490);
//image(Logs, 200, height-400);
if (gift1Delivered==true) {
image(Gift, 35, 10);
if (gift2Delivered==true) {
image(Gift, 129, 10);
if (gift3Delivered==true) {
image(Gift, 222, 10);
if (gift4Delivered==true) {
image(Gift, 314, 10);
if (gift5Delivered==true) {
image(Gift, 408, 10);
image(Santa, santaX, santaY);
text("Score", 3, 505);
text(Score, 160, 505);
if (runOnce)
if (up) {
if (upblock==false)
santaY -=31;
runOnce = false;
//intersect = false;
if (scoreblockup==false)
Score= Score +10;
if (down) {
if (downblock==false)
santaY +=31;
runOnce = false;
//intersect = false;
if (scoreblockdown==false)
Score = Score -10;
if (runOnce)
if (left) {
if (leftblock==false)
santaX -= 31;
runOnce = false;
//intersect = false;
else if (right) {
if (rightblock==false)
santaX +=31;
runOnce = false;
//intersect = false;
//if (intersect==false) {
//image (Sled, 175, 200 );
//image (Reindeer, 200, 350);
//image (Santa, santaX, santaY);
// }
//fill (255, 2, 2);
//image (Sled, santaX, santaY);
//image (Santa, santaX, santaY-10);
// image (Reindeer, 200, 350);
// }
//if (deerintersect==false) {
// image (Sled, 175, 200 );
// image (Reindeer, 200, 350);
// image (Santa, santaX, santaY);
// }
// else
// fill (255, 2, 2);
// image (Santa, 185, 460);
// image (Reindeer, 200, 350);
if (santaX==house1X && santaY<=30)
if (santaX==house2X && santaY<=30)
if (santaX==house3X && santaY<=30)
if (santaX==house4X && santaY<=30)
if (santaX==house5X && santaY<=30)
if (house1collision==true)
set(santaX=185, santaY=442, Santa);
Score = Score + 50;
if (house2collision==true)
set(santaX=185, santaY=442, Santa);
Score = Score + 50;
if (house3collision==true)
set(santaX=185, santaY=442, Santa);
Score = Score + 50;
if (house4collision==true)
set(santaX=185, santaY=442, Santa);
Score = Score + 50;
if (house5collision==true)
set(santaX=185, santaY=442, Santa);
Score = Score + 50;
if (gift1Delivered==true) {
if (gift2Delivered==true) {
if (gift3Delivered==true) {
if (gift4Delivered==true) {
if (gift5Delivered==true) {
if (allgifts==true) {
Score = Score + 1000;
if (resetgifts==true) {
if (santaX >= width-65)
if (santaX <= width-65)
if (santaX <= width-440)
if (santaX >= width-440)
if (santaY <= height-490)
if (santaY >= height-490)
if (gift1Delivered==true) {
if (santaY <= 50) {
if (santaX==house1X) {
if (gift2Delivered==true) {
if (santaY <= 50) {
if (santaX==house2X) {
if (gift3Delivered==true) {
if (santaY <= 50) {
if (santaX==house3X) {
if (gift4Delivered==true) {
if (santaY <= 50) {
if (santaX==house4X) {
if (gift5Delivered==true) {
if (santaY <= 50) {
if (santaX==house5X) {
if (santaY >= height-80)
if (santaY <= height-80)
if (santaY >= height-80)
if (santaY <= height-80)
if (santaY <= height-490)
if (santaY >= height-490) {
if (gift1Delivered==false) {
//if (abs(santaX-175)< 30 && abs(santaY-200)< 30) {
// reindeer and sleigh
image(reindeer, (x), 273, reindeer.width/2, reindeer.height/2);
x = x + 2;
if ((x > 200) && (startR2 == 0)){
startR2 = 1;
if (x > 450){
x = 0;
if (startR2 == 1) {
image(reindeer2, (x2), 273, reindeer2.width/2, reindeer2.height/2);
x2 = x2 + 2;
if ((x2 > 550) && (count2 == 0)) {
x2 = 0;
count2 = 1;
if ((x2 > 550) && (count2 == 1)) {
x2 = 0;
if ((x2 > 200) && (startR3 == 0)) {
startR3 = 1;
if (startR3 == 1) {
image(reindeer3, x3, 273, reindeer3.width/2, reindeer3.height/2);
x3 = x3 +2;
if ((x3 > 550) && (count3 == 0)) {
x3 = 0;
count3 = 1;
if ((x3 > 550) && (count3 == 1)) {
x3 = 0;
//2nd row
image(reindeer4, x4, 375, reindeer4.width/2, reindeer4.height/2);
x4 = x4 - 1.2;
if ((x4 < 330) && (x4 > 325) && (startR5 == 0)) {
startR5 = 1;
if (x4 < 0) {
x4 = 450;
if(startR5 == 1){
image(reindeer5, x5, 375, reindeer5.width/2, reindeer5.height/2);
x5 = x5 - 1.2;
if ((x5 < 330) && (x5 > 325) && (startR6 == 0)) {
startR6 = 1;
if (x5 < 0) {
x5 = 450;
if(startR6 == 1){
image(reindeer6, x6, 375, reindeer6.width/2, reindeer6.height/2);
x6 = x6 - 1.2;
if ((x6 < 330) && (x6 > 325) && (startR7 == 0)) {
startR7 = 1;
if (x6 < 0) {
x6 = 450;
// 3rd row
image(reindeer7, x7, 341, reindeer7.width/2, reindeer7.height/2);
x7 = x7 + 0.8;
if ((x7 > 240) && (startR8 == 0)) {
startR8 = 1;
if (x7 > 450){
x7 = -50;
if(startR8 == 1) {
image(reindeer8, x8, 341, reindeer8.width/2, reindeer8.height/2);
x8 = x8 + 0.8;
if (x8 > 450){
x8 = -50;
//4th row
image(reindeer9, x9, 307, reindeer9.width/2, reindeer9.height/2);
x9 = x9 - 1;
if((x9 < 425) && (x9 > 420) && (startR10 == 00)){
startR10 = 1;
if(x9 < 0){
x9 = 450;
if(startR10 == 1){
image(reindeer10, x10, 307, reindeer10.width/2, reindeer10.height/2);
x10 = x10 - 1;
if ((x10 < 425) && (x10 > 420) && (startR11 == 0)){
startR11 = 1;
if(x10 < 0){
x10 = 450;
if(startR11 == 1){
image(reindeer11, x11, 307, reindeer11.width/2, reindeer11.height/2);
x11 = x11 - 1;
if ((x11 < 425) && (x11 > 420) && (startR12 == 0)){
startR12 = 1;
if (x11 < 0){
x11 = 450;
if(startR12 == 1){
image(reindeer12, x12, 307, reindeer12.width/2, reindeer12.height/2);
x12 = x12 - 1;
if(x12 < 0){
x12 = 450;
//5th row
image(reindeer13, x13, 409, reindeer13.width/2, reindeer13.height/2);
x13 = x13 + 3;
if(x13 > 450){
x13 = 0;
image(sleigh, a, 235, sleigh.width/3, sleigh.height/3);
a = a + 2;
if((a > 110) && (startS2 == 0)){
startS2 = 1;
if (a > 450){
a = 0;
if(startS2 == 1){
image(sleigh2, a2, 235, sleigh2.width/3,sleigh2.height/3);
a2 = a2 + 2;
if((a2 > 110) && (startS3 == 0)) {
startS3 = 1;
if (a2 >450){
a2 = 0;
if(startS3 == 1){
image(sleigh3 , a3, 235, sleigh3.width/3, sleigh3.height/3);
a3 = a3 + 2;
if ((a3 > 110) && (startS4 == 0)) {
startS4 = 1;
if(a3 >450) {
a3 = 0;
if(startS4 == 1){
image(sleigh4, a4, 235, sleigh4.width/3, sleigh.height/3);
a4 = a4 + 2;
if(a4 > 450){
a4 = 0;
//2nd row sleds
image(sleigh5, a5, 206, sleigh5.width/3, sleigh5.height/3);
a5 = a5 - 1;
if((a5 < 410) && (a5 > 405) && (startS6 == 0)){
startS6 = 1;
if(a5 < 0){
a5 = 450;
if(startS6 == 1){
image(sleigh6, a6, 206, sleigh6.width/3, sleigh6.height/3);
a6 = a6 - 1;
if((a6 < 410) && (a6 > 405) && (startS7 == 0)){
startS7 = 1;
if(a6 < 0){
a6 = 450;
if(startS7 == 1){
image(sleigh7, a7, 206, sleigh7.width/3, sleigh7.height/3);
a7 = a7 - 1;
if((a7 < 310) && (a7 > 305) && (startS8 == 0)){
startS8 = 1;
if(a7 < 0){
a7 = 450;
if(startS8 == 1){
image(sleigh8, a8, 206, sleigh8.width/3, sleigh8.height/3);
a8 = a8 - 1;
if((a8 < 410) && (a8 > 405) && (startS9 == 0)){
startS9 = 1;
if(a8 < 0){
a8 = 450;
if(startS9 == 1){
image(sleigh9, a9, 206, sleigh9.width/3, sleigh9.height/3);
a9 = a9 - 1;
if((a9 < 410) && (a9 > 405) && (startS10 == 0)){
startS10 = 1;
if(a9 < 0){
a9 = 450;
if(startS10 == 1){
image(sleigh10, a10, 206, sleigh10.width/3, sleigh10.height/3);
a10 = a10 - 1;
if(a10 < 0){
a10 = 450;
//3rd row sleds
image(sleigh11, a11, 172, sleigh11.width/3, sleigh11.height/3);
a11 = a11 + 5;
if((a11 > 225) && (startS12 == 0)){
startS12 = 1;
if(a11 > 450){
a11 = 0;
if(startS12 == 1){
image(sleigh12, a12, 172, sleigh12.width/3, sleigh12.height/3);
a12 = a12 + 5;
if(a12 >450){
a12 = 0;
// 4th row sleds
image(sleigh13, a13, 113, sleigh13.width/3, sleigh13.height/3);
a13 = a13 - 0.8;
if((a13 < 345) && (a13 > 340) && (startS14 == 0)){
startS14 = 1;
if(a13 < 0){
a13 = 450;
if(startS14 == 1){
image(sleigh14, a14, 113, sleigh14.width/3, sleigh14.height/3);
a14 = a14 - 0.8;
if((a14 < 295) && (a14 > 290) && (startS15 == 0)){
startS15 = 1;
if(a14 < 0){
a14 = 450;
if(startS15 == 1){
image(sleigh15, a15, 113, sleigh15.width/3, sleigh15.height/3);
a15 = a15 - 0.8;
if((a15 < 345) && (a15 > 340) && (startS16 == 0)){
startS16 = 1;
if(a15 < 0){
a15 = 450;
if(startS16 == 1){
image(sleigh16, a16, 113, sleigh16.width/3, sleigh16.height/3);
a16 = a16 - 0.8;
if(a16 < 0){
a16 = 450;
//5th row sleds
image(sleigh17, a17, 84, sleigh17.width/3, sleigh17.height/3);
a17 = a17 + 5;
if((a17 > 225) && (startS18 == 0)){
startS18 = 1;
if(a17 > 450){
a17 = 0;
if(startS18 == 1){
image(sleigh18, a18, 84, sleigh18.width/3, sleigh18.height/3);
a18 = a18 + 5;
if(a18 >450){
a18 = 0;
// penguin
image(penguin, z, 38, penguin.width/2, penguin.height/2);
z = z - 8;
if(z < 0){
z = 450;