Flip-Book Animation Drawing program
Programming Questions
3 months ago
I am new to Processing, but have programmed in VB, some WPF, and LabView.
I am interested in starting on a flip-book animation program, in which you draw sequential images and can play it back as an animation. It would be nice to save it as a single file for loading, but saving it as a sequence of images (png with alpha) would be just fine. I would want to do that anyway for rendering a video file in post processing. I don't care about layers (yet) or sound. Being able to see a ghost of the previously drawn image would be good (onion skin).
Anyway, I'm looking to program something like this and then add features as it goes. Anyone ever worked on anything like this, seen examples or tutorials, or know a bit of code to get me started? Not looking for the solution, just a bump in the right direction as far as Processing code. I'm looking for a simple base to start with. I've found examples of drawing with a mouse and I will probably start there. I looked through the forums and didn't see anything along this line.
I'm also looking to integrate my Wacom tablet, but that's a side point.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.