Fisica library - A new version is available
Library and Tool Development
11 months ago
For those who missed yesterday's tweet... A new version of
Fisica is available.
In preparation for my upcoming Fisica
workshop at ZZZINC at Barcelona, I made a big amount of changes to the library including the following:
- Refactor the handling how bodies are grabbed. Added FWorld.grabBody(float, float), FWorld.dragBody(float, float) and FWorld.releaseBody(). Useful for Android apps.
- Simplify the way to know if a contact contains certain bodies. Added FContact.contains(String b1), FContact.contains(String b1, String b2), FContact.contains(FBody b1), FContact.contains(FBody b1, FBody b2).
- Implement sleeping handling for bodies. Added FBody.setAllowSleeping(boolean
) and FBody.isSleeping(). - Added a small Android example. It's a game!!
- Allow drawing a debug version of the sketch. Added FBody.drawDebug() and FWorld.drawDebug(). They will improve with time
- Small fix to the blob
Please give it a test and let me know how it goes!