Processing Forum
I downloaded processing-1.5 to my 32-bit, Windows 7 machine. When I click on processing.exe, I get the splash screen. It goes away after a few seconds and leaves nothing behind. I tried invoking from the command line with .\processing.exe --l4j-debug, which is supposed to make a file called  launch4j.log for debugging, but that file doesn't show up anywhere.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Have you Java installed (or downloaded the complete version of Processing)?
I have the same issue on my windows 7 64bit machine. I grab the full install with java and saw the same splash screen with nothing after.  I played with all the compatibility modes, ran with the debugs options and did not see the log file either.
I did two things to resolve the issue. Don't have an easy way to isolate which solve the problem, my guess is 2:
1. reboot.
2. save zip file and unzip locally.
The second copy work by double clicking on the exe.
On my first try, I unzip the file by opening (instead of save) the zip file in IE. The zip file is in IE temp dir. It took much longer (30min instead of 3min) to unzip and the exe didn't fire.
Good luck.
P.S. Since I have both the good dir and bad dir, did some more checking. Both unzip reported 180MB size with 4k+ files. In the good dir, I see 4053 files and size of 189,776,453 bytes. The bad dir reported 1942 files and 148,264,651 bytes.
Thank you phi.lho and haha1111 (Gordon) for your responses. I'm pretty sure I installed the version that included Java the first time around, because I know I was aware of the two choices. I followed Gordons' advice and saved the .zip file instead of just trying to open it straight from the Web. This worked, although maybe Gordon's suggested reboot helped, too. Anyway, it's fine now. Thanks again for the advice from both of you.
I admit I didn't imagine users could try and open directly a file from the Web... I always download such files (archives or exe), particularly if they are large, before opening.
Sometime, Windows offers too much facilities, and that bites back the users...
Next time, I will remember to advise to do the download first...