FIR Band Pass filtering in processing
Core Library Questions
7 months ago
Hi and thanks,
I am a DSP beginner, so this question will be reflective of that.
I am trying to work my way through the implementation of band pass filtering with convolution.
My question is this.
I have gone through the process of using AudioPlayer to import a wav file, do FFT of this and use the sinc(PI*x/PI*x) function to create a filter fft.
with these I can point wise multiply the FFT of the input with the filter FFT and get a resultant FFT, this is then Inverse FFT'd and the resulting array should contained the filter data?
Is there a set way to take an Array of floats and make them into an Audio output. So rather than data it comes full circle back to outputting a time based buffer that minim can play back as a filtered version of the original?
I have definatly got the FFT drawing out, I am wary of my sinc() function as when i draw this it doesnt seem to be what I expected.
Any pointer would be appreciated, or even just some suggested Tutorial. I am at college and I have to implement the process, rather than use minim's own band pass.
Here is my dodgy code.
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.AudioSnippet;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer jingle;
FFT fftAudioLeft, fftAudioRight, filterfft, fftResultLeft;
float[] filterData, resultLeft, resultFilter, finalArray, filtered;
int mySize;
float sampRate;
AudioSnippet[] sample = new AudioSnippet[mySize];
void setup() {
minim = new Minim(this);
jingle = minim.loadFile("nuecut.wav", 2048);
mySize = jingle.bufferSize();
sampRate = jingle.sampleRate();
fftAudioLeft = new FFT(mySize, sampRate);
fftAudioRight = new FFT(mySize, sampRate);
fftResultLeft = new FFT(mySize, sampRate);
filterData = new float[mySize];
resultLeft = new float[mySize];
resultFilter = new float[mySize];
filtered = new float[mySize];
finalArray = new float[mySize];
size(fftAudioLeft.specSize(), 200, P3D);
for (int i = 0; i<mySize;i++) {
filterData[i] = sinc(i);
filterfft =new FFT(mySize, mySize);
void draw()
float[] left = jingle.left.toArray();
float[] right = jingle.right.toArray();
for (int i = 0;i<mySize;i++) {
resultLeft[i] = fftAudioLeft.getFreq(i);
resultFilter[i] = filterfft.getFreq(i);
finalArray[i] = resultLeft[i]*resultFilter[i];
for ( int i = 0;i<mySize;i++) {
filtered[i] = fftResultLeft.getFreq(i);
for (int i = 0; i < fftAudioLeft.specSize(); i++)
stroke(125, 125, 125, 100);
line(i, height, i, height - fftAudioLeft.getBand(i)*4);
for ( int i = 0; i < left.length - 1; i++ )
float x1 = map(i, 0, jingle.bufferSize(), 0, width);
float x2 = map(i+1, 0, jingle.bufferSize(), 0, width);
// we multiply the values returned by get by 50 so we can see the waveform
stroke(255, 0, 255, 60);
line(x1, height/4 - left[i]*50, x2, height/4 - left[i+1]*50);
line(x1, 3*height/4 - right[i]*50, x2, 3*height/4 - right[i+1]*50);
float sinc(float x) { //Design the filter using the sinc(x) function.
if (x == 0.f) {
return 1.f;
return sin((PI*x)/PI*x);
void stop()