filled polygons are significantly slowing down performance
Android Processing
5 months ago
I've been working on a game with processing for android for a year or so now. Since updating to the latest version of processing from whatever was around about a year ago, I've noticed that my framerate has dropped significantly and I've narrowed it down to filled polygons doing the most damage to my fps. I'm wondering if polygon drawing has changed a lot recently. Also, I'm wondering if there's a good way to up performance by creating all my polygons in some sort of persistent buffer so that I don't have to beginshape() and endshape() for each on every draw. Do vertex arrays work for polygons? I'm only drawing 12 - 15 polygons at a time so I don't understand why it's so slow. Works fine on windows but on my droid incredible, no bueno. If I do a noFill() my fps goes up to a usable rate.