Feedback on an android game. Jump 'n' Tilt
Android Processing
2 years ago
A few months ago I made a game called Jump 'n' tilt for android using processing. I want to go back to it and develop it some more. I have been away from processing for a couple of months as I have been looking into oF
BUT after the alpha release of 2 and watching the Eyeo festival 2011 video with Ben Fry and Casey Reas I have had a spark to come back to developing one of the games I put together!

I feel like there is alot more I can add to it now... I just want to get some feedback on what is wrong with it and how it can be improved.
The game runs quite slow on bad devices which I think actually... it probably should run alot faster... Im just not entirely sure on what techniques I can use to increase the load times.... (hence why im asking here for feedback and not android game enthusiast forums!).
Please could some of you guys give it a go and tell me what you think is wrong with.... what could improve loading times... what looks bad.... what looks good...
It has a scoreboard system built into it too so you can actually view your scores against other people in the world. Im sure that could also be improved but really... I dont think that is the main concern for me right now.
Sorry for the wall of text.
Heres the link to my game:
Please give me some feedback!
Make it as critical as you can. I love that.