I created a sketch that works when running in Processing Java mode. But when I try to run it in AndroidMode, it terminates with a Fatal Exception. The problem is because Android can't find my images in the data folder.
I read the image path in via an xml. When I'm running in "Java" mode, the path is set as \data\imagefolder. I append sketchPath in front and everything works. What do I need to set the path to in order for the sketch to work in Android? I tried using "file:\\\android_asset\imagefolder" and put my imagefolder under the assets folder but this failed.
I read somewhere that someone adjust the .classpath xml to make this work. If so, what are the adjustments to this file?
Processing is great but this hiccup is frustrating. Please help.
I read the image path in via an xml. When I'm running in "Java" mode, the path is set as \data\imagefolder. I append sketchPath in front and everything works. What do I need to set the path to in order for the sketch to work in Android? I tried using "file:\\\android_asset\imagefolder" and put my imagefolder under the assets folder but this failed.
I read somewhere that someone adjust the .classpath xml to make this work. If so, what are the adjustments to this file?
Processing is great but this hiccup is frustrating. Please help.