Processing Forum
I'm building a project in Processing 2.09b, and it exports fine, however, people multiple with Mountain Lion cannot open the application file. I made a "hello world" sketch and had the same problem. Is there an easy workaround?

Thanks in advance


You should be using the not so recent stable v2.0 release rather than a beta version!
Of course, since Processing is compiled in Java, any1 willing to run it should have at least Java JRE installed!

Also, if you compiled your program w/ a 64-bit Java, it needs a 64-bit JRE to run it.
Same for Java version, if you used Java 7 to compile it, it won't run on systems w/ just JRE 6!
I updated java and upgraded to processing 2.0, but am still getting  a message that says "'app_name' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash."
Hmm. So if I re-read your reply you're saying I'm going to need to author the app on a machine mountain lion running in order to make a app for Mountain lion? Grrr.

... to author the app on a machine mountain lion running in order to make a app for Mountain lion?
Not a specific machine or OS. It's the Java version that counts!

In short, a machine which has a 64-bit JRE 7 installed can run any Java program!
Same for 32-bit JRE 7, except it can't run a program compiled w/ a 64-bit JDK!

Makes sense. Is there a simple way to see which version of Java I have?

Another issue is Lion's "we don't want you installing anything not from apple default". I'm having my tester turn that off - will update.
I'm sorry for asking a forum a very googleable question. Guilty as charged. I'm updating Java now. 
Here's a simple snippet to display some specs:
Copy code
    println( System.getProperty("os.name") );
    println( System.getProperty("os.arch") );
    println( System.getProperty("os.version") );
    println( System.getProperty("java.home") );
Also, you may try to type this command in the console:
java -version
Oh cool - from within processing - makes sense.

So even with my update I only have version 1.6.0_51
This is why I was saying I was going to need a machine with mountain Lion, just because I won't be able to get my Java high enough on my older laptop without updating the OS (which I really don't want to).

Seems to need Lion :(
" Same for 32-bit JRE 7, except it can't run a program compiled w/ a 64-bit JDK!"
Wrong. Generated bytecode is the same whatever the kind of Java is used and the platform you are on (can vary a bit with Java version, though).
Same for the Java version. Code compiled for Java 1.6 should work with any version of Java 1.6. _xx sub-versions are mostly bug fixes.