Processing Forum
There have been queries about removing the Export Applet option as Processing goes from 1.5.1 to 2.0 and although I understand the reasons for doing it, I will mourn the loss.

I am still keen to create applets for my website as I use them to demonstrate features of the libraries I create. SInce I am updating my libraries for 2.0 using V1.5.1 to export my applets is problematic (not surprisingly).

Anyway to cut a long story short I have been experimenting with ways to export 2.0 sketches (JAVA2D only) as applets and I need your help.

I have created a signed applet to demonstrate the new features to appear in the next version of G4P and I would like you to try it out and report whether it loaded or not (please report OS and browser versions).

I have tried it out on WIndows 7 (64 bit) with IE 9 (64 bit) and FireFox (32 bit) 17.0.1 and they worked but I am also interested in hearing from MacOS and Linux users and other browsers.

Please try the applet out here

Thanks in advance.


Worked OK for me on linux


Colour chooser label does not fit too nicely in the label box but other than that, worked pretty good (dialog boxes all looked pretty native to me with 'fluxbox' desktop with or without native checked). PS: chrome browser.
Works fine in Firefox 17.0.1 and Safari 6.0.2 in OSX 10.7.5 w/Java 7 update 10.
Hi guys thanks for the support it is much appreciated. I will fix the color chooser label for the final release.
Fine in os X 10.8.2 - Safari 6.02 - java 7 rev 9. Did not notice color chooser issue...

maybe it would be cool to release a tool for exporting applets in 2.0.x... :)
Thanks for the feedback.

I would not recommend creating a tool until after the beta releases of version 2.0 when changes are less frequent.

I am currently working on a sketch that can be used to create a V2.0 applet (for JAVA2D sketches only) when completed I will put it in the public domain for feedback. Note: this sketch is a hack and would be refined when developed as a tool.

Then I will modify the sketch to enable digital signing of the applet, at present this has to be done in a CLI rather than a visual interface. This would then be released for feedback.

Anyway thats a plan -but then nothing ever goes to plan
Now available is probably going a bit too far but now I have created a sketch which can be used to create applets for any of your own sketches that use the JAVA2D (default) renderer. It can be downloaded here

The sketch runs in 2.0b7 and uses the latest version of G4P (3.1.1) for the file dialog boxes, so you would need that library to try it out.

Once you have G4P 3.1.1 and downloaded and unzipped the AppletMaker sketch into your Processing folder you are ready to go.

First ensure that your target sketch uses the default JAVA2D renderer (this will not work with P2D or P3D) and that you have exported it as an Application command. This is required so that the neccessary jars are created.

Make a note of the display width and height used by the sketch - from the size() and then close your target sketch.

Launch the AppletMaker sketch. Click on the button and in the folder-select dialog select the target sketch folder. If you selected a sketch folder then you can continue to the next step otherwise you will get an error dialog and the sketch will terminate.

In this step enter the applet width and height (noted above),  also add some descriptive/narrative text you want to appear under the applet in your web page and click on the button to create the HTML file.

Thats it, if all went well there will be a folder inside the target sketch folder called applet just as you would get in 1.5.1

I hope that people will try this out and I look forward to any feedback before I move on and attempt to add digital-signing functionality.

Hi quarks.

I tried your appletmaker tool and it works great. Too bad that it don't support OpenGL, because I just have a sketch that uses opengl that long ago that I want to run on my website and I can't.

Maybe you can help me to do that, although it not go all that well in some browsers, this has to be able to do.

My application runs perfectly in Processing 2.0b8, and in Eclipse, as well as java program or as an applet (with appleviewer), but I don't know how to run it in a browser.
In those cases, you still can try to use Processing 1.5.1 for applet export!  
In fact, processing 1.5.1 applet export feature stopped working for OpenGL sketches long ago, with some Java upgrade.

I've heard it was for this reason that finally they removed permanently that feature, since they could never solve the issues 429 and 845.

Unfortunately, I know very little about applets, browsers and signing, but I'd love to help solve this, because I know It's possible, and because it is necessary ... What other way is there to run a 3D application on the web?
You could use the Processing.js