exported application runs slower than in IDE
Integration and Hardware
1 year ago
i have an OPENGL application that runs significantly slower when i export it to an application than it does when i run it in my IDE (Eclipse). it has a lot going on, including a high-count particle system rendered in GL, Unfolding maps, serial, and a few other libs.
i've noticed also that it runs a bit faster, though still not as fast as when run from Eclipse, when run via java -jar from the command line.
i haven't yet pinpointed the cause of the slowdown, thought i'd float the question here first.
one thing i have tried: exporting the SpaceJunk example in Examples...Libraries/opengl/form.
there is no noticeable performance difference between running it in the Processing IDE and running it as a full-screen application.
i'm on OSX 10.6.8, Processing 2.0a6, Eclipse 3.7.1.
haven't tried other versions of Processing yet, may be a renderer issue, though as i said i don't see this problem with the SpaceJunk example, also in 2.0a6.