Error calling ShellExecuteEx() ... Toxiclibs might be causing?
Contributed Library Questions
2 years ago
Hi all
Getting the above error after having made an executable for windows, and trying to run on windows 7.
Looks from the above post that this could be caused by using println() ...
Thus I have taken all my println's out, but still get the issue... I'm thinking it might be caused by the way that Toxiclibs prints this when it allocates space etc:
Apr 24, 2011 4:23:22 PM <init>
INFO: attempting to allocate 8 audio voices
Apr 24, 2011 4:23:22 PM <init>
INFO: done. all sources created.
His example HelloManagedWorld recreates this behaviour, although I haven't replicated this error message yet just trying to export HelloManagedWorld...
Any ideas? Is this println behaviour what is giving me the windows executable error messages? And if so is there a way to turn off these messages within toxiclibs audiotools?
Thanks a lot, Sam
doesn't seem to re-create this bug - might have been when I didn't have the java in the path a second ago.
I'm not getting the contents of my Data file across to the exe file as far as I know however... Is there a good post I should see for help with this one?
So I think the issue is here:
Either way, does toxiclibs - audiotools support exporting applications at all, or is this physically impossible due to having to install openAL on the receiving computers?