Processing Forum
I'm trying to find a way of picking pattern data/drawings and processing sketches and turning that into effecting parameters to a given source sound.

Is this possible or is there anyone that worked on this already? As I don't want to reinvent the wheel. 

It would basically be something similar to this:  http://explodingart.com/soundcipher/tutes/unlimited_art/unlimited_art_tute.html but instead of generating sound, it would work more as an effect controller of a sound sample. It doesn't need to be in sync if that's harder to achieve, it could work too (if possible) as a kind of envelope waveform resulting from a drawing (it would work basically in two steps: one to create the drawing, and other to pick that drawing to apply effects to a source audio).

Any place else I should look? Sorry if any of this questions sound dumb. I'm completely new to Processing, Minim, SoundCypher, etc., so any suggestion is welcome. I don't necessarily need to use Processing but I think it might a good tool for this.