My name is Paweł and I'm new here. I've been programing for some little amount of time and a few months ago I've found Processing. That's great thing!
I've started playing with 3D now. I'm working on simple game when you are moving in 3D space surrounded by enemies. Unfortunately I've observed that when some shapes are drawn behind the scene (as behind me - the Player) the drawing is so sloooow. It's the case only when dealing with P3D, with OpenGL there's no such problem. However, I need to use P3D since I want to create applet-based sketch.
Is there any way to increase speed? Is this a bug?
I'm using P 1.5.1 and currently can't use 2.x (I have a little bit old Kubuntu and there's a problem with old mesa package with new P5).
Thank you for your kind attention!
PS. This seems to be not certain program dependent, but if you find it usefull for you I'll attach the code.
PS II. I see the post was moved, forgive me, I thought it's good place;) Thx for fixing that.