Draw patterns using vertex
Programming Questions
4 months ago
Hi all,
I'm new to Processing and need some help with a spirograph sketchpad that I've created. I'm trying to make it possible to draw patterns with either points or lines. Right now it's possible to draw a pattern made out of points, but I can't figure out how to draw lines correctly.
I'm thinking that the lines should be drawn between each point by using vertex() (or maybe curveVertex()). I tried out a couple of different approaches to get it to work but the result isn't really what I'm looking for. Right now a straight line is drawn at each point but they are not connecting to each other. My coding attempts can be found at rows 86-105.
Press the mouse to draw, press 'v' to change between points and lines.
- // *** SIZE VARIABLES *** //
- float ringDiameter; //Diameter of the outer ring
- float wheelDiameter; //Diameter of the inner wheel
- float ringRadius; //Radius of the outer ring
- float wheelRadius; //Radius of the inner wheel
- float distance;
- // *** ROTATION VARIABLES *** //
- float wheelCenterRotation; //Start angle for the centerpoint of the wheel
- float wheelCenterRotationInc; //Rotation increment
- float lineRotation; //Start angle for the line inside the wheel
- float lineRotationInc; //Rotation increment
- float penHue;
- float penSat;
- float penBright;
- float penOpacity;
- float penStrokeWeight;
- float penOffset; //Position of the pen point
- boolean penRainbowStroke; //Activate/inactivate rainbow coloured pen stroke
- boolean showBackground; //Show/hide the background, i.e the outer ring and the inner wheel
- boolean showGUIControls; //Show/hide the GUI controls
- boolean drawLines; //Switch between drawing lines and points
- PGraphics offscreen; //PGraphic off-screen to which the pattern is drawn
- void setup () {
- size(500, 700);
- colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
- //Offscreen settings
- offscreen = createGraphics(width, height, JAVA2D);
- offscreen.beginDraw();
- offscreen.colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
- offscreen.endDraw();
- //Assigning variables
- ringDiameter = 400;
- wheelDiameter = 100;
- ringRadius = ringDiameter/2;
- wheelRadius = wheelDiameter/2;
- distance = 300;
- wheelCenterRotation = PI/4;
- wheelCenterRotationInc = TWO_PI/distance;
- lineRotation = PI/4;
- lineRotationInc = wheelCenterRotationInc * (ringRadius - wheelRadius) / wheelRadius;
- penHue = 300;
- penSat = 90;
- penBright = 90;
- penOpacity = 75;
- penStrokeWeight = 3;
- penOffset = 66.666;
- penRainbowStroke = false;
- showBackground = true;
- showGUIControls = true;
- drawLines = false;
- }
- void update() {
- //Re-calculate rotation if distance has changed
- wheelCenterRotationInc = TWO_PI/distance;
- //Rotation increment
- wheelCenterRotation = wheelCenterRotation + wheelCenterRotationInc;
- lineRotation = lineRotation + lineRotationInc;
- }
- void drawOffscreen() {
- offscreen.beginDraw();
- offscreen.pushMatrix();
- offscreen.translate(width/2, height/1.5);
- offscreen.translate((ringRadius-wheelRadius)*cos(wheelCenterRotation), (ringRadius-wheelRadius)*sin(wheelCenterRotation));
- offscreen.strokeWeight(penStrokeWeight);
- offscreen.stroke(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- //Rainbow stroke
- if (penRainbowStroke) {
- stroke(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- penHue = penHue + 1;
- if (penHue > 360) {
- penHue = 0;
- }
- }
- //Draw points
- if (!drawLines){
- offscreen.point(penOffset*sin(lineRotation), penOffset*cos(lineRotation));
- }
- //Draw lines
- if (drawLines){
- offscreen.beginShape();
- offscreen.vertex(penOffset*sin(lineRotation), penOffset*cos(lineRotation));
- offscreen.vertex(penOffset*sin(lineRotation+lineRotation), penOffset*cos(lineRotation+lineRotation));
- //for (float i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- //float angle = i*wheelCenterRotationInc;
- //offscreen.vertex(penOffset*sin(angle), penOffset*cos(angle));
- //}
- offscreen.endShape();
- }
- offscreen.popMatrix();
- offscreen.endDraw();
- }
- // *** OUTER RING & INNER WHEEL *** //
- void drawBackground() {
- pushMatrix();
- pushStyle();
- //Re-calculate if the size of the wheel has changed
- ringDiameter = ringDiameter;
- wheelDiameter = wheelDiameter;
- ringRadius = ringDiameter/2;
- wheelRadius = wheelDiameter/2;
- distance = distance;
- //Re-calculate the rotation increment if the size of the wheel has changed
- lineRotationInc = wheelCenterRotationInc * (ringRadius - wheelRadius) / wheelRadius;
- //Print loops per lap
- pushStyle();
- noFill();
- stroke(203, 71, 92);
- strokeWeight(3);
- ellipse(50, 310, 50, 50);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- fill(29, 99, 79);
- textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
- textSize(12);
- text("Loops per lap", 50, 270);
- textSize(14);
- text(ringDiameter/wheelDiameter, 50, 310);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- fill(29, 99, 79);
- textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
- textSize(10);
- text("Tip! An integer, like", 20, 640);
- text("3 or 8, requires one lap", 20, 655);
- text("to draw a complete pattern.", 20, 670);
- text("A no. like X.5 requires", 380, 640);
- text("2 laps. A no. like X.25", 380, 655);
- text("requires 4 laps & so forth.", 380, 670);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- popStyle();
- translate(width/2, height/1.5);
- //Outer ring
- noFill();
- stroke(29, 99, 79);
- strokeWeight(3);
- ellipse(0, 0, ringDiameter, ringDiameter);
- //Calculate the new midpoint from where to draw the inner wheel
- translate((ringRadius-wheelRadius)*cos(wheelCenterRotation), (ringRadius-wheelRadius)*sin(wheelCenterRotation));
- //Inner wheel
- noFill();
- stroke(203, 71, 92);
- strokeWeight(2);
- wheelDiameter = min(wheelDiameter, ringDiameter/2);
- ellipse(0, 0, wheelDiameter, wheelDiameter);
- //Point to show the current 0-point
- strokeWeight(5);
- stroke(203, 71, 92);
- point(0, 0);
- //Line inside the inner wheel
- stroke(203, 71, 92);
- strokeWeight(2);
- wheelDiameter = min(wheelDiameter, ringDiameter/2);
- line(0, 0, wheelRadius*sin(lineRotation), wheelRadius*cos(lineRotation));
- //Point to show the current position, colour and stroke weight of the pen point
- stroke(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- strokeWeight(5);
- penOffset = min(penOffset, wheelRadius); //Constrain the offset point to the radius of the wheel
- point(penOffset*sin(lineRotation), penOffset*cos(lineRotation));
- popStyle();
- popMatrix();
- }
- // *** GUI CONTROLS *** //
- void drawGUIControls () {
- float yPosLine1 = 30;
- float yPosLine2 = 55;
- float yPosLine3 = 75;
- float yPosLine4 = 95;
- float yPosLine5 = 115;
- float yPosLine6 = 135;
- float yPosLine7 = 155;
- float xPosCol1 = 15;
- float xPosCol2 = width/2;
- float yIndexStartLine1 = 47;
- float yIndexEndLine1 = 63;
- float yIndexStartLine2 = 67;
- float yIndexEndLine2 = 83;
- float yIndexStartLine3 = 87;
- float yIndexEndLine3 = 103;
- float yIndexStartLine4 = 107;
- float yIndexEndLine4 = 123;
- float yIndexStartLine5 = 127;
- float yIndexEndLine5 = 143;
- float keyStartPos1 = 105;
- float keyEndPos1 = 215;
- float windowStartPos1 = 130;
- float windowEndPos1 = 210;
- float keyStartPos2 = 325;
- float keyEndPos2 = 455;
- float windowStartPos2 = 350;
- float windowEndPos2 = 450;
- float rainbowDisp = 0.0;
- float rainbowInc = TWO_PI/12.0;
- //Background rectangles
- pushStyle();
- noStroke();
- fill(199, 99, 59);
- rect(2.5, 2.5, width-6, 245-2.5);
- fill(29, 99, 79);
- rect(5, 5, width-10, 245-6);
- fill(203, 71, 92);
- rect(6.5, 6.5, width-14, 245-10);
- popStyle();
- //Headlines column 1
- pushStyle();
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- textSize(14);
- text("SETTINGS", xPosCol1, yPosLine1);
- textSize(12);
- text("Ring Size", xPosCol1, yPosLine2);
- text("Wheel Size", xPosCol1, yPosLine3);
- text("Pen Position", xPosCol1, yPosLine4);
- text("Point Distance", xPosCol1, yPosLine5);
- text("Points or Line", xPosCol1, yPosLine6);
- text("Pen Size", xPosCol1, yPosLine7);
- //Headlines column 2
- textSize(14);
- text("STYLE", xPosCol2, yPosLine1);
- textSize(12);
- text("Current Colour", xPosCol2, yPosLine2);
- text("Hue", xPosCol2, yPosLine3);
- text("Saturation", xPosCol2, yPosLine4);
- text("Brightness", xPosCol2, yPosLine5);
- text("Opacity", xPosCol2, yPosLine6);
- text("Rainbow", xPosCol2, yPosLine7);
- popStyle();
- //Instructions
- pushStyle();
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- textSize(12);
- text("Hold the mouse pressed to draw your own spirograph pattern!", xPosCol1, 190);
- text("Press 'enter' to show/hide the guidelines and menu. Press 'delete' to reset the canvas.", xPosCol1, 210);
- popStyle();
- //Ring size
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("q <", keyStartPos1, yPosLine2);
- text("> w", keyEndPos1, yPosLine2);
- stroke(360, 0, 100);
- line(windowStartPos1, 55, windowEndPos1, 55);
- line(map(ringDiameter, 50, 400, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexStartLine1, map(ringDiameter, 50, 400, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexEndLine1);
- popStyle();
- //Wheel size
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("a <", keyStartPos1, yPosLine3);
- text("> s", keyEndPos1, yPosLine3);
- stroke(360, 0, 100);
- line(windowStartPos1, 75, windowEndPos1, 75);
- line(map(wheelDiameter, 20, ringRadius, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexStartLine2, map(wheelDiameter, 20, ringRadius, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexEndLine2);
- popStyle();
- //Pen position
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("z <", keyStartPos1, yPosLine4);
- text("> x", keyEndPos1, yPosLine4);
- stroke(360, 0, 100);
- line(windowStartPos1, 95, windowEndPos1, 95);
- line(map(penOffset, 0, wheelRadius, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexStartLine3, map(penOffset, 0, wheelRadius, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexEndLine3);
- popStyle();
- //Point distance
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("e <", keyStartPos1, yPosLine5);
- text("> r", keyEndPos1, yPosLine5);
- stroke(360, 0, 100);
- line(windowStartPos1, 115, windowEndPos1, 115);
- line(map(distance, 500, 100, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexStartLine4, map(distance, 500, 100, windowStartPos1, windowEndPos1), yIndexEndLine4);
- popStyle();
- //Pen size
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("g <", keyStartPos1, yPosLine7);
- text("> h", keyEndPos1, yPosLine7);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- for (int i = 130; i <= 205; i = i + 15) {
- stroke(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- strokeWeight(penStrokeWeight);
- point(i, 155);
- }
- popStyle();
- //Current colour
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- stroke(360, 0, 100, 100);
- fill(360, 0, 100, 100);
- rect(windowStartPos2, 50, 100, 10);
- stroke(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- fill(penHue, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- rect(windowStartPos2, 50, 100, 10);
- popStyle();
- //Hue
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("i <", keyStartPos2, yPosLine3);
- text("> o", keyEndPos2, yPosLine3);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- for (int h = 0; h < 100; h = h + 1) {
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(h*3.6, 100, 100);
- line(windowStartPos2+h, 70, windowStartPos2+h, 80);
- }
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(360, 0, 100, 100);
- line(map(penHue, 0, 360, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexStartLine2, map(penHue, 0, 360, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexEndLine2);
- popStyle();
- //Saturation
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("j <", keyStartPos2, yPosLine4);
- text("> k", keyEndPos2, yPosLine4);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- for (int s = 0; s < 100; s = s + 1) {
- stroke(penHue, s, 100);
- line(windowStartPos2+s, 90, windowStartPos2+s, 100);
- }
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(360, 0, 100, 100);
- line(map(penSat, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexStartLine3, map(penSat, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexEndLine3);
- popStyle();
- //Brightness
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("n <", keyStartPos2, yPosLine5);
- text("> m", keyEndPos2, yPosLine5);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- for (int b = 0; b < 100; b = b + 1) {
- stroke(penHue, 100, b);
- line(windowStartPos2+b, 110, windowStartPos2+b, 120);
- }
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(360, 0, 100, 100);
- line(map(penBright, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexStartLine4, map(penBright, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexEndLine4);
- popStyle();
- //Opacity
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- text("y <", keyStartPos2, yPosLine6);
- text("> u", keyEndPos2, yPosLine6);
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- for (int o = 0; o < 100; o = o + 1) {
- stroke(penHue, 100, 100, o);
- line(windowStartPos2+o, 130, windowStartPos2+o, 140);
- }
- popStyle();
- pushStyle();
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(360, 0, 100, 100);
- line(map(penOpacity, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexStartLine5, map(penOpacity, 0, 100, windowStartPos2, windowEndPos2), yIndexEndLine5);
- popStyle();
- //Rainbow colour
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- text("b |", keyStartPos2, yPosLine7);
- text("| b", keyEndPos2, yPosLine7);
- popStyle();
- //Rainbow colour ON
- if (penRainbowStroke) {
- pushStyle();
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i=i+5) {
- strokeWeight(3);
- stroke(i*3, penSat, penBright, penOpacity);
- point(350+i, 150+sin(rainbowDisp)*6.0);
- rainbowDisp = rainbowDisp + rainbowInc;
- }
- popStyle();
- }
- //Rainbow colour OFF
- if (!penRainbowStroke) {
- pushStyle();
- textSize(12);
- fill(360, 0, 100);
- textAlign(CENTER);
- text("OFF", 400, yPosLine7);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- popStyle();
- }
- }
- // *** DRAW *** //
- void draw() {
- if (mousePressed) {
- update();
- drawOffscreen();
- }
- background(360, 0, 100);
- if (showBackground) drawBackground();
- if (showGUIControls) drawGUIControls();
- image(offscreen, 0, 0);
- }
- // *** INPUTS *** //
- void keyPressed() {
- //Show/hide the background
- if ((key == ENTER)||(key == RETURN)) {
- showBackground = !showBackground;
- showGUIControls = !showGUIControls;
- }
- //Reset the canvas
- if ((key == BACKSPACE) || (key == DELETE)){
- setup();
- }
- //Press z to activate/inactivate rainbow stroke
- if (key == 'b') {
- penRainbowStroke = !penRainbowStroke;
- }
- //Adjust the pen hue, constrained to values between 0 - 360
- if (key == 'o') {
- penHue = min(penHue + 5, 360);
- }
- if (key == 'i') {
- penHue = max(penHue - 5, 0);
- }
- //Adjust the pen saturation, constrained to values between 0 - 100
- if (key == 'k') {
- penSat = min(penSat + 5, 100);
- }
- if (key == 'j') {
- penSat = max(penSat - 5, 0);
- }
- //Adjust the pen brightness, constrained to values between 0 - 100
- if (key == 'm') {
- penBright = min(penBright + 5, 100);
- }
- if (key == 'n') {
- penBright = max(penBright - 5, 0);
- }
- //Adjust the pen opacity, constrained to values between 0 - 100
- if (key == 'u') {
- penOpacity = min(penOpacity + 5, 100);
- }
- if (key == 'y') {
- penOpacity = max(penOpacity - 5, 0);
- }
- //Adjust stroke weight, constrained to values between 2 - 5
- if (key == 'h') {
- penStrokeWeight = min(penStrokeWeight + 1, 8);
- }
- if (key == 'g') {
- penStrokeWeight = max(penStrokeWeight - 1, 2);
- }
- //Adjust the size of the inner wheel, constrained to values between 20 and the radius of the outer ring
- if (key == 's') {
- wheelDiameter = min(wheelDiameter + 5, ringRadius);
- }
- if (key == 'a') {
- wheelDiameter = max(wheelDiameter - 5, 20);
- }
- //Adjust the offset of the penpoint, constrained to the radius of the wheel
- if (key == 'x') {
- penOffset = min(penOffset + 10, wheelRadius);
- }
- if (key == 'z') {
- penOffset = max(penOffset - 10, 0);
- }
- //Adjust the distance between each point
- if (key == 'e') {
- distance = min(distance + 10, 500);
- }
- if (key == 'r') {
- distance = max(distance - 10, 100);
- }
- //Adjust the size of the outer ring, constrained to values between 50 and 400
- if (key == 'w') {
- ringDiameter = min(ringDiameter + 5, 400);
- }
- if (key == 'q') {
- ringDiameter = max(ringDiameter - 5, 50);
- }
- //Press v to draw lines/points
- if (key == 'v') {
- drawLines = !drawLines;
- }
- }