Thank You for the reply.
I tried to access the Google RSS Newsfeed with XML.
rss = new XMLElement(me, url);
title = rss.getChildren("channel/item");
link = rss.getChildren("channel/item/link");
Unfortunately I was not able to get the pictures direct from Google, that's why I was looking for the Links to different News websites
Then I tried to search the Images on the HTML Code on these Websites.
void imgSearch(String addr){
String [] htl = loadStrings (addr);
String[] img = {
int indexof;
for (int i=0; i< htl.length; i++){
indexof = htl[i].indexOf("articlefeature");
if (indexof > -1){
if ( (htl[i].indexOf("<img src=") > -1) && (htl[i].indexOf(".jpg") > -1) ){
String temp [] = split(htl[i], "<img src=");
for (int j=0; j < temp.length; j++){
if (temp[j].indexOf(".jpg")> -1){
if (str(temp[j].charAt(0)).equals("\"")){
temp[j] = temp[j].substring(1,temp[j].length());
String temptemp [] = split(temp[j], ".jpg");
img = expand(img,img.length +1);
img[img.length-1] = temptemp[0]+".jpg";
These works on some News sites but on others it does not because the site structures of the websites are not always the same.
As you see these tries are very basic and not really suitable for my problem.