Processing Forum

Download all my old code.

in Share your Work  •  1 year ago  
i may not be the best programmer in the world but i love processing and if you want you can have all my old sketches... there will be some relatively useful things in there as well as some not so useful things.

If your not the best programmer in the world as well you may learn something from my mistakes/ experiments.


all the best,



Wow, this is awesome! I am loving these resources, as it will help me further my understanding of this awesome application.

"Make it so." - Captain Picard
Thank you for making this available.
Thanks for sharing.

...after looking closer at them, really thanks for sharing, some very useful stuff in there for someone learning Processing like me. :)
That's really kind of you,
thank you

Thank You!
Thanks a lot, of course it is easy for me to learn more, download in progress ....... very slow internet connection