Double Click and More...
Processing with Other Languages
2 years ago
I'm trying to make a Processing script work on a web page, but I can't use the Java deployer (like it does when you export an applet) so I have to use the Processing Code just as Javascript, inside a canvas. The only problem (huuuge problem) is that most of the code is not working anymore, like the double click and much more...I just made the whole applet on my own, I even implemented a popupmenu without importing any library (bc it won't work on a web page if I import java libraries) and even if it works on Processing IDE, it barely works on a web page.
Just to make an example a line like this:
mouseEvent.getClickCount()== 2
doesn't work (and I know the reason why)...I'll probably ask you for more help bc I'm losing my mind, it's like rewriting everything with a different logic or something..
Just to make an example a line like this:
mouseEvent.getClickCount()== 2
doesn't work (and I know the reason why)...I'll probably ask you for more help bc I'm losing my mind, it's like rewriting everything with a different logic or something..