Displaying millions of points
Programming Questions
2 years ago
Hello all,
I am working on a project that involves mapping gps coordinates of world cities. I have borrowed most of the code I am using from Jimthree:
In the above sketch, he is able to display a few hundred thousand points while maintaining 30frames/sec. My sketch began locking up after a few thousand points. I would like to use xml to import the data. Ideally, I would like to display more than a million points (at 30fr/sec). Is this possible using the method I am currently using (i.e. importing the points through xml)? Can this code be made more efficient?
Here is a link to the xml files I am using:
Cities of the world (~750 points):
Points in Italy (~33000 points):
Here is the sketch so far:
- import processing.opengl.*;
- import javax.media.opengl.*;
- import javax.media.opengl.glu.*;
- import peasy.*;
- PeasyCam cam;
- GL gl;
- GLU glu;
- XMLElement xml;
- //Declare the Arrays for storing co-ords.
- float[] LAT = new float[1];
- float[] LON = new float[1];
- float[] coords_x = new float[1];
- float[] coords_y = new float[1];
- float[] coords_z = new float[1];
- int r = 600;
- void setup(){
- size(1000, 600, OPENGL);
- cam = new PeasyCam(this, 0, 0, 0, 1200);
- cam.setWheelScale(50);
- cam.setResetOnDoubleClick(false);
- cam.lookAt(width/2, height/2, 1200);
- cam.setMinimumDistance(800);
- cam.setMaximumDistance(1600);
- cam.rotateX(3*(PI/2));
- cam.rotateY(PI/2);
- float fov = PI/3.0;
- float cameraZ = (height/2.0) / tan(fov/2.0);
- perspective(fov, float(width)/float(height),cameraZ/200.0, cameraZ*1000.0);
- //SetUp the GL thingys
- gl=((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).gl;
- glu=((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).glu;
- //Load the point data into the arrays
- load_data();
- }
- void draw () {
- frame.setTitle(str((frameRate))+"fps");
- background(50);
- //More GL stuff I don't really understand yet.
- PGraphicsOpenGL pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;
- //All GL drawing commands are wrapped in a beginGL()/endGL() loop
- GL gl = pgl.beginGL();
- //Move everything we draw into the middle of the screen (or could just move the camera)
- gl.glTranslatef(width/2, height/2, 1200);
- //Draw the points
- draw_points();
- pgl.endGL();
- }
- void load_data(){
- xml = new XMLElement(this, "world.xml");
- int index = xml.getChildCount();
- //expand arrays to fit.
- coords_x = expand (coords_x,index);
- coords_y = expand (coords_y,index);
- coords_z = expand (coords_z,index);
- LAT = expand (LAT,index);
- LON = expand (LON,index);
- for (int i=0; i < index; i++){
- XMLElement kid = xml.getChild(i);
- String cityName = kid.getStringAttribute("name");
- LAT[i] = kid.getFloatAttribute("LAT");
- LON[i] = kid.getFloatAttribute("LON");
- coords_x[i] = -r * cos(LAT[i]*PI/180) * cos(LON[i]*PI/180);
- coords_y[i] = r * cos(LAT[i]*PI/180) * sin(LON[i]*PI/180);
- coords_z[i] = r * sin(LAT[i]*PI/180);
- //println("City name = "+cityName);
- //println("Lat = "+LAT[i]);
- //println("Lon = "+LON[i]);
- //println("x = "+coords_x[i]);
- //println("y = "+coords_y[i]);
- //println("z = "+coords_z[i]);
- }
- }
- void draw_points(){
- gl.glPointSize(1);
- gl.glBegin(gl.GL_LINES);
- gl.glColor4f(1,0,0,.25);
- gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
- gl.glVertex3f(6000, 0, 0);
- gl.glEnd( );
- gl.glBegin(gl.GL_LINES);
- gl.glColor4f(0,1,0,.25);
- gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
- gl.glVertex3f(0, 6000, 0);
- gl.glEnd( );
- gl.glBegin(gl.GL_LINES);
- gl.glColor4f(0,0,1,.25);
- gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
- gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 6000);
- gl.glEnd( );
- gl.glBegin(gl.GL_POINTS);
- gl.glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
- xml = new XMLElement(this, "world.xml");
- int index = xml.getChildCount();
- for (int i=0; i<index; i++){
- gl.glVertex3f(coords_x[i], coords_y[i], coords_z[i]);
- }
- gl.glEnd();
- }