Processing Forum
I'm currently working on a larger project, but I'll break down my question into a simple example

I have a 2-dimensional array of integers that stores data on what volume level to play at certain points in time.  One of the dimensions stores a time in milliseconds, and the other dimension stores the volume level.

I loop through this array, checking when each change in volume should occur.

All of that is done.

My goal is to visualize this in a horizontal timeline, similar to a channel on a sequencer like this:

I'd display the volume at each point in time. I'd also want to be able to click on the points so I could trigger some other code I have to change the value. 

I know it would be too large (horizontally) for my screen, so I'd have to come up with a scroll bar and maybe some way to pre-buffer the data.

Has anyone done anything like this and have any tips?


I have a 2-dimensional array of integers that stores data on what volume level to play at certain points in time.  One of the dimensions stores a time in milliseconds, and the other dimension stores the volume level.

Are you sure about the definition of two-dimensional here?

Because in my book a
2-dimensional array of integer is a checkers board.
One index is the xpos (col), the other ypos (row).

So on a chess board you have
Copy code
  1. board[x][y] = figure1;
and x can run from A..H (or 1..8) and y from 1..8
but the value you get at the position is different, e.g. a field: is it black or white, value, has it a figure if so which one etc.
See also p.s. for 2 small examples.

So for your case:
When you have millis as x-value and volume as y, what do you actually store (the chess figure)?? yes or no for volume? That makes no sense (to me).

From your image I expect millis as x-value and kind of instrument as y, and stored is the volume.

you probably got it all correct, but I am just having a hard time getting it.

Maybe you can clarify or post some of your code showing the 2D array.

Greetings, Chrisir

If you need an answer, please send me a personal message since this forum doesn't notify.

this is a 2D array


final int maxMillis = 30;
final int maxVolume = 30;
float [][] array2D = new float [maxMillis][maxVolume];

void setup() {
  size( 960, 600 );

  for (int m=0; m < maxMillis; m++) {
    for (int v=0; v < maxVolume; v++) {
      array2D[m][v] = m*v;

void draw () {

  // loop
  for (int m=0; m < maxMillis; m++) {
    for (int v=0; v < maxVolume; v++) {
      println (m+","+v);
      fill(array2D[m][v], 0, m);
      rect(m*8+12, v*8+12, 4, 4);
  } // for
} // func

//  ======================================

and this


final int maxMillis = 10;
final int maxVolume = 10;
float [][] array2D = new float [maxMillis][maxVolume];

void setup() {
  size( 960, 600 );
  // loop
  for (int m=0; m < maxMillis; m++) {
    for (int v=0; v < maxVolume; v++) {
      array2D[m][v] = m*v;

void draw () {
  // loop
  for (int m=0; m < maxMillis; m++) {
    for (int v=0; v < maxVolume; v++) {
      println (m+","+v + " has the value " + array2D[m][v] );
      fill(array2D[m][v], 0, m);
      //rect(m*8+12, v*8+12, 4, 4);
      text(int(array2D[m][v]), m*28+32, v*28+32);
  } // for
} // func
