I've been attempting to create a clent/server setup where the client is a Processing javascript sketch and the server is a Processing program running on my server. The other day I studied up on it using The Processing web based learning that's available and also w3schoold.com which of course teaches nearly all things related to web programming. By piecing together examples and code snippets from four programming languages, I have struutred a way to make it probably work.
I will tell you the tech later, but suffice to say you just write a specially coded HTML5 web page to run the Processing javascript. Then you throw in a little of your own javascript using the jQuerry library to perform AJAX functions, specifically the $.put() function. This will enable the javascript client to send information to the server program. Also in another post to this forum I describe and donate an interesting stream of pixels based video link from the werver to the client.
Combining these elements and some additional work on the server side, we can then have the capability to do many things. Any related discussion would be most interesting and useful, thanks.