Default Perspective
Programming Questions
2 years ago
Hello All,
According to the Processing documentation:
Perhaps I am misreading the docs, but shouldn't perspective() and perspective(params) as stated above produce the same view? I'm using the OPENGL renderer.
According to the Processing documentation:
The version of perspective without parameters sets the default perspective and the version with four parameters allows the programmer to set the area precisely. The default values are: perspective(PI/3.0, width/height, cameraZ/10.0, cameraZ*10.0) where cameraZ is ((height/2.0) / tan(PI*60.0/360.0));
But when I plug in the values for perspective and call it explicitly, my view looks different than if I called perspective() with no parameters.
Perhaps I am misreading the docs, but shouldn't perspective() and perspective(params) as stated above produce the same view? I'm using the OPENGL renderer.